34. Erase me

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I'm finally home well I don't really have one right now I guess I have to get my stuff and figure out where I'm staying

goofy goober-
I just flew back in
I need to get my stuff

flatty Mcpatty <3-
yeah of course come over

goofy goober-
I'll be there in 30 minutes

flatty Mcpatty <3-


i stand nervously at the place i used to call home i raise my hand up but i can't get myself to knock i finally get the courage to do so and when i do about 20 seconds later the door opens and i see her i want to cry, scream, and vomit all at once this whole thing was real it isn't fake she lives here and they're together "so i'm guessing you are Athena" all she gives me is attitude i freeze since i don't know what to do in this moment "um yeah i am" i see Jamie come up behind her his hands touch her waist okay yeah there's that vomiting feeling again "thena come in i got most of your stuff out for you " i walk into the apartment that is now filled with Avery's stuff i see the stuff that's while that is sitting in the corner is this really is the end? "help me with the stuff will you" i try to muster up the strength to move out of here officially even though i barely have the strength to look at him "yeah okay i will" he sounds guilty i have no clue why but it makes me regret being so harsh to him just then we get everything within two trips on the last trip of the two we walk out to my car
"so your birthday is tomorrow you doing anything" I don't answer him he knew we always did something on my birthday just me and him again it was one of those things we've done since we were little
"How was tour" I just continue to put stuff in the trunk he walks over to me
"hey, thena can I-" 
"what do you want"
"I want to talk"
I laugh oh now he wants to talk
"talk about what Jamie we have nothing to talk about"
he looks me in the eyes and I can tell he's hurt and I know right about now I look just the same "Athena I'm sorry"
"yeah and why are you sorry?"
he stops and turns closer to me "Because I didn't talk to you when I got with Avery and basically kicked you out" I shrug at what he tells me  "I can't be mad at you for having a life" Actually I was very mad but I wasn't mad that he got with Avery was I jealous.. maybe but he just dropped me like I was nothing how do I feel good about myself when he does that to me "your my best friend I didn't tell you anything so I am sorry and I left you like an asshole"
"okay? Thena just say you're mad at me please that would be so much better than the silent treatment" I cross my arms and he just keeps getting closer "Fine I am mad at you and look saying that changed nothing"
before either of us could say anything Avery comes storming out "Are you guys done?" why the fuck is she always here I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose
"Yeah we are" I spit out while walking to my car Jamie glances back at me and then walks back into his apartment


goofy goober-
can I ask a BIG favor

yes ma'am you can

goofy goober-
I just got back from tour can I stay with you I got kicked out of Jamie's apartment

of course, I have a guest room I'll get it ready for you

want to explain the whole Jamie thing when you get here?

goofy goober-
yeah I will sorry I've been so busy
I'll be there soon

no worries drive safe


when I get to baileys house I explain everything to her she goes on and on about how mad she is at him but then she stops and hugs me I didn't even know I needed that hug so much I have really great friends


@AthenaTheGodess story: my swaggy roomie🤯

@AthenaTheGodess story: my swaggy roomie🤯

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old man👨🏻‍🦳-
I saw your story are you not living with Jamie anymore

goofy goober-
no I'm living with Bailey and can we hangout soon I need my dad rn

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
yeah we can kid I was gonna ask if we could since it's your birthday and all
do you want me to come over there

goofy goober-
tomorrow can I come over to your house

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
you don't even gotta ask your always welcome

goofy goober-
okay can I spend the night too

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
absolutely I'll see you tomorrow😊


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