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jamie's birthday is today i planned many things even if Jamie told me he didn't want to do anything first on the list was making him Breakfast In Bed i tried to sneak off the bed and into the kitchen as quiet as i could be i made his favorite food when i start to finish his eggs he walks out of our room "thena what are you doing" i turn around "nooo jamie why are you awake right now" he just laughs "how could you be laughing you ruined your breakfast in bed you idiot" he just runs to me picks me up and gives me a big hug "okay fine i'll get back in bed" i walk in to our room singing happy birthday he turns over after pretending to sleep he loudly yawns "yeah yeah eat your food".

next is attempt to do a escape room
we split up jamie is always calm but me on the other hand i'm anything but that, we just walks around trying to figure out me i basically run around the room trying to figure out how to solve this stupid fucking puzzle "thena you have to stop being so competitive" he grabs me by my shoulders "i don't think i ever could be" he laughs i turn back around "oh fuck wait i think i got it" i starts to try and help me "turn it over ,no the other way you dummy" finally we win with 20 minutes to spare i jump into his arms "yes we did it" i basically scream into his face he puts me down "technically you did it you did all the work" i flip my hair "i'm just that great" he nods "i wouldn't go that far" we leave the escape room and we get in the car "this isn't the way to the apartment" he questions i give him a sly look "thena come on your doing way too much" i whip my head around to him "you are my best best friend ever shut up and let me treat you on your birthday plus it's not big" after driving for a few minutes we pull up to a 7-11 he looks over to me "are we getting slurpee" i nod and he jumps in his seat "then after that we're going to our favorite park" he reaches over to hug me of course i hug him back we get out and get our slurpees i get coke,cherry and blue raspberry all mixed Jamie gets just cherry basic ass slurpee.
We run around the park at this point it was dark outside we've been swinging for 30 minutes now "thank you thena for all of this you've always make my birthday special i appreciate you" when we had these talks they made me feel so good we always have the best deep conversations, conversations i couldn't have with anyone else "of course J you mean everything to me i would do anything for you and you know i'm serious" he chuckles "yeah i know" i nudge him with my shoulder "i love you thena" i smile i want him to say it in the way i love him but i just keep smiling "i love you too Jamie".

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@AthenaTheGodess: oh boy happy 23rd birthday to thee jamie flatters who i'm so lucky to call my best friend since we were 8 love you lots idiot

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@AthenaTheGodess: oh boy happy 23rd birthday to thee jamie flatters who i'm so lucky to call my best friend since we were 8 love you lots idiot

@balieybass: Awwwww
-@trinitybliss: i knowww
-@Jackthechampion: cutiesss
-@jamieflatters: ay leave us alone

@Samworthington: ya sappy shit
-@Zoesaldana: oh sam stop they're sweet

@Samworthington: ya sappy shit      -@Zoesaldana: oh sam stop they're sweet

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@jamieflatters: i've never seen someone get so excited over bowling in my life
@athenathegoddess: but that excitement  went well for me cus i did great
-@jamieflatters: i guess you did 😐

@britaindalton: happy birthday my boy

@balieybass: BIRTHDAY BOY
-@trinitybliss: BIRTHDAY MAN
-@Jackthechampion: YEA BIRTHDAY MAN

authors note- sorry i forgot to do jamie's birthday in a chapter so i had to write it in i won't be posting in like a week love you all🫶🏻

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