30. True blue

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I'm standing at the venue waiting for Charlie to get here when I look over and I see her looking around "Charlie Weiss!" I yell running over to her from across the foyer.
"Thena!" she yells back matching my energy
While we were screaming and running all the eyes were on us, but we didn't care, we just run up to each other and hug each other for a minute

"Bitch I missed you." I say as we're still hugging "You have no idea I've wanted to see you for so long." I let out a quick aw
We finally let go of each other and I decided to give Charlie some attitude
"Ma'am, you could have come and seen me anytime you wanted."

She laughs awkwardly while playing with her rings "Yeah I could've." we laugh and I grab her hands
"Here come backstage with me." I drag her with me as I walk  "Backstage?" she says and I nod "Hashtag VIP access." when she says that it makes me bust out in laughter
Both of our laughs echo as we go to walk through the door to backstage

When we both sit down on the side of the stage in the back so we can have some privacy
"So what has happened?" I asks first she rolls her eyes at me but she points to me"You first."

I shake my head I honestly didn't want to talk about it since it was just so new the only person I would really want to talk to about it would be Charlie "Hm, no."
She wails and then I see her try to prepare herself for telling the story."After you called me out over text-"

"You're welcome," I state then smile proudly she just shakes her head

"I went home later that night. I went to Jennas. She was having a party."

"Please tell me the little turd was there."

"He was there," she says trying not to laugh. "And I went to her room. Man I wanted to sleep. But I got up for water at one point and when I was laying there, someone came in and I thought it was Jenna. So I ranted to her about life and how tired I was. And how I'm scared of Jack, and-"
I grab her thigh, getting me to stop.

"Guess who it was? Jack." i answer
"Yes. Fucking Jack Champion."
"Ah!-" I yell "-This is some damn movie stuff."
"I know," We both laugh. "Anyways, we both apologized and all that good stuff, but I told him i didn't want to talk so we slept."

"Oh yeah, I saw that on Jennas insta."

"Yep. And we went for coffee, and danced in the rain. And I told him where I am from, so we are getting somewhere." this kid loves rain
I smile at her and give her a another hug
"Yes, get somewhere slowly girl. I'm so happy for you" I knew this was hard for Charlie this small step was one step in a good direction and I was so proud of her
She takes deep breaths and could tell she was thinking of a million things right now but she grabs my hands
"Thank you," she squeezes my hands a bit then continues to talk "Okay now you."

I groan just like she did, talking about it hurt but I knew I had to speak about it at some point and what better person to talk to than Charlie she understood me and I understood her I close my eyes
I know she can tell this has affected me because she looking at me with sympathy
"So like a month or around there, there was a post and it was basically about Jamie,"

"Your lover." she teases in a flirty voice.

i laugh awkwardly. "Eh no," she looks at me a confused as i continue "And he was kissing this girl and just a bunch of stuff.
And he hasn't talked to me since then really."

"Oh my god." she whispers. I guess she didn't know about it.

"Yep. I understand that he wanted someone or whatever. But I feel like we had something and he just led me on you know?" I mess with it shoelaces

"Fuck. Yeah I know."

"When I get back I have to move out because he's making me. I am literally so hurt by it. But I haven't wanted anyone to know I'm hurt."
"I do that too. I'm so sorry," I shrug, and sigh

"So you love him?" she asks me, hesitantly after a moment.

I think about what she asked me and of course I love him I've loved him for as long as I can remember I look up at her and smile solemnly "Yeah." I whisper out

God the way she was looking at me right now it's terrible she was looking at me with her sad eyes and I hate it I don't want to be pitied because I am okay yeah I'm fine.
"Im sorry for making you talk about it " she finally speaks up "No, you needed to know. I am fine." I look at the shoes and she tilts her head so she can look at me directly "You're not fine, but it's fine." We both laugh and I agree with her
"Don't you have to go?"
I grab her phone since I didn't have mine it was back in my room i check the time
"Oh shit, yeah I do. Well you do."

"If you want, you can leave the side of the stage and get a good pit spot." I wanted to see her while I performed it made me feel less alone  "Thank you Thena, I will see you after?" I nod as we both stand up
"Yes. Have an amazing time twinkie."
She laughs then yells "You too rockstar."
I shake my head and go to my room

Every night after seeing that article I almost cried performing my songs that were mainly about him I found myself looking for him in the crowd but he was never there, what if he was never there ever again I don't know how I could live a life without him.

I hate Jamie rn but I love Charlie and thena's friendship they have a very special place in my heart and I love writing these chapters with pountinecoats

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