45.Someone to stay

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"Guys be good for Uncle Jamie and Aunt Thena" Sam slowly backs up grabbing Lara by the waist while River is hugging onto my leg already "We will be back tomorrow Thanks again for letting them stay the night they really really missed you two" Jamie ruffles Rocket's hair "Of course, we love these little guys"  Rocket and Racer start running around the apartment Sam chuckles "good luck call us if you need anything" I laugh at Jamie joining the kids and running around with them "love you dad", "love you sweetheart" Sam says before shutting the door I clap my hands "okay boys let go to the park then we will pick up a pizza" and with me saying the magic word the boys run to the door waiting for Jamie and me to get there when we open the door they rush out racing to my car "I call shotgun" Jamie shouts again playing along with their antics we play some random songs the kids wanted us to play until we got to the park. We start off at the swings seeing who could go the highest "No I am definitely going higher than Rocket" River says with Racer cutting him "Nuh-uh I'm higher", The boys are disappointed when Jamie wins, he tickles them till they are laughing so hard I thought they were gonna vomit. When I go to get my water from the car I get back and at this moment it's like everything goes in slow motion I now see Jamie playing tag with the boys they all laugh while Racer tackles Jamie to the ground they all just look so happy I couldn't help but wonder if this is what future with him will be like rocket runs to me interrupting my daydreaming "tag your it" he screams while running away again, Jamie turns to me smiling from ear to ear "come on show us your skills or lack thereof" my jaw drops I dart toward him and we smack on the floor together "well damn I guess your it" I look at his lips to his eyes then I jump up. We play games for almost two hours now we're all exhausted We go get the pizza and take it home, When we pull up to the apartment eyes are all heavy, I try to wake them up a little bit "shower time who wants to go first?" Of course, no one offered so I just chose randomly and made all the boys take showers, Afterwards, we all watched How to Train Your Dragon while eating the pizza I promised them Soon they were all falling asleep so Jamie got their designated blankets from the cabinet and leaves me to tuck them in.

Jamie's pov

The kids are all sprawled out on the couch with Thena by their sides "Okay so are you guys too old for snug as a bug?" she asks softly not knowing I am here anymore they shake their heads Athena smiles she was always so sweet to them she did everything for these kids and watching her interact with them was so hard because it made me smile so hard I don't think she knows how much I love her like it used to physically hurt to not be able to tell her how much I love her now I can and I'm not taking the opportunity to say it.. how dumb, do I tell her that I can't imagine a life without her I want her everyday all-day I have nothing but complete and utter love for her.

"boys get under the covers" they laugh and scoot under "let's see last time I started with Racer now I shall start with.. river okay ready?" he nods "Snug as a bug in a rug" She tucks him in with every word she says, Ever since she did this when they were little they always asked anyone who was putting them to bed She continues to tuck Rocket and Racer in "goodnight guys love you".

We walk into the room, she closes the door then we brush our teeth before getting in bed She turns to me with a tired smile on her face "I love you" We lean in making our foreheads touch "I love you more" she backs up looking offended "no you don-" before she can finish the sentence we kiss which makes me feel so many things "don't even say it's not true because it is" I cut her off again before she can even say anything else she just acceptsit and laughs.

I know can't be without her.

A/n- heyyyyy I finally updated for this story I miss it thanks to everyone who has been reading this story for a while now, it will probably only have at least 20ish more chapters or less idk yet luv yaaa

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