18. Somewhere only we know

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Jamie and Athena finish packing up the rest of the clothes and they have away the old furniture to goodwill they walk around all day knowing that this is their final day there then they say goodbye to the town.
they walked around for so long it's now nighttime and it starts raining they look at each other and they start dancing like the idiots they were "i forgot how much i love dancing in the rain i just gotta try extra hard not to bust my ass" Athena says as she continues to make Jamie do the walts with her then jamie stops "thena look" she looks to where he was pointing "oh my god our secret spot" athena gets out her camera and takes photos of the water tower and jamie "ah yes the secret water tower the place we went to in any minor inconvenience" they laugh and start climbing up the ladder to get to the top once they get there they stop and look around it's silent till thena speaks up "when was the last time you were up here" Jamie is still taking in the view
"probably when i was 15 or 16 had to be right before i left for avatar ,did you come up here after i left" he finally tears his gaze from the sky then to Athena's face as she stares at the stars admiring how it looks from where they were he grabs his phone then he takes a photo of her, he had to capture that moment and how beautiful she looked he always thought she was pretty but the way moon lights up her face and the stars were in front of her she looked like a painting and he loved it, he loved her.
"yeah a lot actually it's going to sound really stupid but I would come up here and I would stare at the moon and all the stars and think about the fact that we share the same sky it made me feel closer to you. like you weren't miles and miles away from me" After she says that she looks over to him bringing him back down to earth
"that's not stupid why do you think i like staring at the sky so much it always reminded me of you and thena i really am sorry I left and never came back i told your mom I would protect you how could I if I wasn't even here" his tone was sad she could tell he felt bad but she never held any of that against him she knew he was always there for her he protected her in so many different ways "Jamie please it's not like i never saw you, you always paid for my ticket for me to come to wherever you were plus i get why you left ,did i want you to leave yes and no I wanted you to follow your dreams and do what you wanted to do so i put aside the fact that I wanted to be selfish and hold you hostage here but i pushed you to go and look at you now you have a huge movie coming out in 8 months you couldn't of done that if you stayed in this small ass town and i could never be a prouder best friend than i am right now" she hugs on his arm after she finished talking
"i honestly don't think that last sentence made sense but somehow i understand what you mean, anyway i owe you a lot because if you didn't push me to go i never would've auditioned for avatar, shit i never even would've tried to be an actor. okay enough about me what about you, you literally just came out with an amazing Ep and now you're going on tour with one of our favorite singers i am the worlds most proud best friend"
she smiles at him the big bright smile that he loves

"i know it doesn't even feel real like tour with phoebe fucking bridgers i'm gonna throw up when i first get to meet her but did i tell you she already followed me and she likes all my posts and she dm'd me the other day it's insane i just about shat myself everytime i see her name pop up"
"shut the fuck up oh my god you guys are basically friends holy shit your friends with phoebe bridgers"
they both start yelling and jumping around till they finally calm down "hey jamie what time is it" he grabs his phone "almost midnight we should head back to your house" she yawns
"yeah let's go back i need sleep and we'll be waking up at the ass crack of dawn" he raps his arms around her shoulders "true but you could also just sleep on the flight again" she laughs then abruptly stops "oh no i will be sleeping on the flight again"

"i know it doesn't even feel real like tour with phoebe fucking bridgers i'm gonna throw up when i first get to meet her but did i tell you she already followed me and she likes all my posts and she dm'd me the other day it's insane i just about s...

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@AthenaTheGodess: I guess our small town isn't all bad——————————————————

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@AthenaTheGodess: I guess our small town isn't all bad

@jamieflatters: it's because i make it better😌
   -@AthenaTheGodess: mhhh i hate to admit it but yes
   -@britaindalton: WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM WIN
       -@jamieflatters: hehehe 🤭

@trinitybliss: when will you be back i miss you😭
    -@balieybass: fr i need you back now girl
       -@AthenaTheGodess: i miss you guys i'll be back tomorrow
            -@trinitybliss: YAYYYY



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@jamieflatters: she never puts the damn camera down——————————————————

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@jamieflatters: she never puts the damn camera down

@AthenaTheGodess: yup put it in my casket when i die
   -@Jackthechampion: let's not talk about you dying right now
      -@britaindalton: yeah let's not
          -@AthenaTheGodess:true true

@Zoesaldana: gorgeous gorgeous girl❤️
    -@AthenaTheGodess: thanks mama Z🫶🏻

@Samworthington: she sure loves that camera
  -@jamieflatters: it's the one you got her years ago she never leaves the house without it
   -@Samworthington: aww that just made my day

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
be safe don't forget to text me when you land

goofy goober-
i will love you 🫶🏻

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
love you more kid ❤️

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