50.Comfort crowd

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this tour has been so chaotic with Lucy, Phoebe, Julien, and Jamie It was chaotic but fun we are the best group of people we've been going to bars, drinking, smoking, and mainly dancing and singing so you could say I have been living the life

when I get on stage and sing every day I see Jamie front and center smiling and singing along with me, he even regularly screams "THATS MY GIRLFRIEND" I laugh and blush almost every time he does this he screams very loud actually especially since he's in the front row it's so loud, which he makes me distracted I've forgotten my lyrics many times

today I'm walking on stage it's a bittersweet day today "Hey guys how are we feeling tonight" I scream into the mic the crowd booms "I'm kind of sad today because this is the last show" I frown "But we will cry to my depressing songs and shake our asses to like the two happy songs I have now let's go bitches" they scream so loud I jump.

when I was performing the saddest song I ever made it made me sad singing it when I was looking out at the crowd I saw fans crying I get down off the stage and go over to the front row and I pull the mic away from me "I don't know what's going on in your life everything will work out, you will be okay babe" I hug them, one of the girls cries into my shoulder I just hold her head "do you all wanna sing with me have a little screaming session?" they nod "now everyone scream as loud as you possibly can" we all scream the bridge to the song all the tears now turning into laughing and everyone holding each other, this is what I love about being an artist just seeing everyone get so moved by something a wrote is crazy I hop back on stage and realize that was the last song I smile and wave all of them wave back to me, I walk off stage the Lucy, Julien, and phoebe high fives and maybe a few ass slaps.

Jamie was behind them when I saw him i run up to him like every other night of performing "you were magnificent per usual" he kisses me firmly "I'm gonna miss tour" my arms hang around his shoulders and my head in-between his neck "you will have more tours to go to love" he was right but it just felt so good to be on stage and interact with everyone "I know but I also do miss being home and I can't wait to not have jet lag" he laughs "Yeah me too" We kiss again before turning around so we can see them perform from the side, we sing along to all the songs it was now the end "we got one more song we want to sing but we want to add one more person" they turn to me motioning for me to come on the stage "this is Athena if you didn't know, we all love her so so much in honor of Thena being here on tour with us for the last time we will sing her favorite song" what the fuck this feels not real, grab a mic and walk back on stage "okay Phoebe this is friend test what is my favorite song right now?" the crowd laughs I see all their phones up recording us

"I think I know what it is but Give me a hint just in case" 
"The only hit I will give you is that you were featured on the song" She doesn't even have to think
"It's ghost in the machine isn't it?"
I look out at the crowd she waits for me to answer
"yes it is God I love SZA"
"You guys all know the lyrics"
"Duh" julien says "Of course" Lucy says right after Juilen shortly after this we all sing together sitting on the end of the stage our feet dangling off, when we finish the song we get up and have a group hug "I'm gonna miss tour" I look over the trio "dude I'm gonna miss you guys" Lucy looks at me smiling "guys it's crazy how close we've gotten within the 5 weeks like you wouldn't believe all the embarring stories I have of thena" Lucy says and I giggle "That is very true, let me just say this before I start crying, thank you guys for knowing the lyrics to my songs and also for screaming and crying along with me it means the world I love you all" I blow a kiss to the crowd, then We all hug one more time before I walk off the stage "are you okay?" Jamie asks "I don't know why I'm so sad it's just the fact that my first tour is finally over and I honestly will miss the boys" he smiles at me "it's okay to be sad but thena you will see them again they aren't going anywhere" It clicks that they really aren't going anywhere I'll still have them during this I've gotten so close on tour we had so many days where after the concert I would go back to one of their rooms we would order food and cuddle while watching tv or the times we all opened up and practically had a group therapy session.

I get a text as Jamie and I pull out of the parking lot

The buddies🥰😩😎

Thena you left your comfort water bottle

Damn how are you gonna survive
without it😭

Oh god😨



I'll be in New York in about 3 weeks
I'll bring it to you

thank you wife🙏🙏

No problem wife 😘

A/n- how long do we want this story to go I don't wanna make it too long

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