26.who will fall far behind?

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so it's the night before i leave for tour i sneak out of our bed i grabbed jamie's keys i also grabbed the bag of glitter and confetti and ever so quietly went down to his car once i get into the car i start to put the stuff in his vent
he told me he was gonna wake up early to get us coffee so when he would get in his car in about a couple hours he would be greeted with confetti and glitter i knew he was gonna kill me but this was worth it had to have a little prank before i went off.

it hits about 5 am i hear him start to move he gets up before he leaves he puts the covers back over he and kisses my forehead i never knew he did that did he he do that often god know i'm thinking about that when he left i sat up and touched where he kissed my forehead i lay back down onto our bed i lay on his side now because it smells like him.

He storms back in "thena you suck i was getting you coffee asshole" i try to stay calm but i can't help but let out a little laugh "oh your laughing now huh?" he jumps over to me
"it was my going away gift" i still say while laughing i look at him he doesn't even look mad he's just smiling at me "i have glitter stuck in my hair you idiot" he shoves me i push him off of my legs "well yeah that's what you get for drawing a penis on my face with sharpie" we laugh at the memory "how about a truce" he asks i think about it no way we were just gonna stop we did this every time we would stop for a few months then it would happen again "fine" we shake on it "help me up" he puts his hand out come to grab i yank him down onto the bed i lay my head on his shoulder "i'm gonna miss you on tour" he starts playing with my hair like he has done ever since we were little "i'll try to come to some of them but i will miss you more" i look up at him offend "you will not don't even go there you whore"we cuddle more till i tea ikr i have things to do "what time is it" he turns over to the clock by the bed "almost 7" i try to get up but he doesn't let me "Jamie let me go as much as i would love to stay here all day and night i have to go" he finally lets me go then he helps me put up the rest of my things in my suitcase it gets down to the last few minutes till my uber gets to our apartment we take the suitcases down to the front my anxiety kicks in i know i won't be with anyone for two months it's just going to be me alone in different hotel rooms Jamie hold my hand he knows this is a big thing for me "thena i'm proud of you for doing this two months on tour with phoebe bridgers it's amazing you can call and text me whenever you need to okay" i nod my head i want to cry why do i want to cry "where are you gonna be tomorrow?" he's trying to distract me "las vegas" he knows it's not working so he just hugs me as my uber pulls up "okay look at me you got this come on your athena carter i believe in you" we put all the bags in the trunk i walk back over to him for a last hug "i'll call you when i land in las vegas love you" he just smiles at me "i love you too"

He storms back in "thena you suck i was getting you coffee asshole" i try to stay calm but i can't help but let out a little laugh "oh your laughing now huh?" he jumps over to me "it was my going away gift" i still say while laughing i look at him...

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@AthenaTheGodess: hehe 😇

@jamieflatters: i hate you
-@britaindalton: boy no you don't
-@balieybass: liar
-@Jackthechampion: dude you could never hate her
@trinitybliss: for real come on now 💀

@charlieweiss: yess bring back the pranks
-@AthenaTheGodess:i'm the prank queen💪
-@charlieweiss: plz tell me you are
doing more
-@AthenaTheGodess: oh of course text me i'll tell you my idea

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