21.prank Sinatra

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@jamieflatters: finally got her back————-————-————-—————

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@jamieflatters: finally got her back

@balieybass: Jamie you better watch out after this prank😭
-@trinitybliss: she's gonna murder you
-@Jackthechampion: yeah buddy you're done for

@britaindalton:BHAHAHAB the penis that's hilarious😎
-@jamieflatters: righttt i can't wait till she wake up
-@britaindalton: i can't believe i'm up before she is😧

@Samworthington: watch your back son🫡

jamie's pov
about 30 minutes later she wakes up

i'm in the kitchen making late breakfast i hear shuffling around okay she's in the bathroom now we wait for her to notice I don't hear screaming or anything she must not have noticed yet she walks out of the bathroom and catch a glimpse of her face she's absolutely clueless she puts on stranger things 2 which is her favorite season i just laugh knowingly after she eats she pauses the show "hold on i have to wash my face i didn't do it yet then you wanna go for a walk" i want to laugh again but i keep my composure "yeah sure" as soon as she gets in the bathroom i hear her yell "JAMIE WHAT THE FUCK" i walk over to the bathroom and lean across the door frame she looks at me in fury "is something wrong thena" As soon as I speak she starts running after me like a maniac she ends up tackling me down onto the couch and we have yet another tickle fight I literally thought I was gonna throw up from how hard I was laughing at her at the moment "you fucking asshole but I'll get you back so it's fine" she said that while smiling at me i'm weird way which is very off pudding then she just walks away i assume she went off to wash her face.

i'm in the kitchen making late breakfast i hear shuffling around okay she's in the bathroom now we wait for her to notice I don't hear screaming or anything she must not have noticed yet she walks out of the bathroom and catch a glimpse of her fac...

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@AthenaTheGodess: you might do pranks but i'm prank Sinatra bitch
@Samworthington: oh no he's in for a real treat now
-@AthenaTheGodess: yupp🤭

@user1: hahahah and she likes new girl i love her so much 🫡
-@AthenaTheGodess: new girl fans uniteeee🥳

@jamieflatters: yeah sure i'm not worried
- @Jackthechampion: you should be

@balieybass: i never want to get pranked please
-@AthenaTheGodess: as long as you don't start it i won't have to end it 🐸🫶🏻
-@britaindalton: thena you scare me dude
- @AthenaTheGodess: good 😊 👍

we slay for life

goofy goober-
let's go to the beach

are you quoting nicki minaj

goofy goober-
i didn't mean to but yeah kinda

yeah i haven't been in a while i'm really white

hotdog water-
wdym you are always white

yesssss i've been waiting to go

stormy baby-
yayyy are we all gonna go

i am so now it's all up to jack

hotdog water-
of course i'm going

flatty Mcpatty <3-
what if i didn't want to go

goofy goober-
i would make you go😌

flatty Mcpatty <3-
oh joy

goofy goober-
meet up at Jamie's in an hour oh
and i'll rent the van again

everyone agrees then an hour later they pack everything into the van all six of them get into the van and make their way to the beach

thenas pov
we finally got to the beach after Jamie drove us there was about an hour drive so not too bad but once we finally get there we play volleyball run around get some ice cream we buried jack in the sand and put boobs on him then after finished running around being idiots it was almost dark out Jamie and i walk down to the water just me and him i the feel the water and the breeze this moment felt like i was free no stress no worries then i feel a thought creep into my head i decided to just spit it out instead of keeping it in "do you think we will ever stop being best friends" i could tell he was caught me off guard "um well no i don't believe we will, i don't think anything will change between us everyone always talked about us and how it was always me and you against the world and i know that won't change why'd you ask"
i the feel the water and the breeze this moment felt like i was free no stress no worries "i just don't ever want to lose you" he grabs my hand "i will tell you every day if i have to you will never lose me thena i promise okay i love you and i won't leave" i laugh "yeah maybe you should tell me every day get it no my thick skull" he starts laughing with me "yeah you do have a thick skull that's for sure but i love you for it"

thenas pov we finally got to the beach after Jamie drove us there was about an hour drive so not too bad but once we finally get there we play volleyball run around get some ice cream we buried jack in the sand and put boobs on him then after fini...

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@jamieflatters, @AthenaTheGodess

@britaindalton: they fight like an old married couple but look at the cute photo of them at the beach🥸

@user1: thank you brit for feeding us jathena shippers🙌
-@britaindalton:#jathena 👏👏
-@balieybass: i ship#jathena
-@trinitybliss: #jathena
-@Samworthington: #jathena
-@AthenaTheGodess: not you too dad😧
-@jamieflatters: wtf man
-@Zoesaldana:yeah no i'm not even gonna lie i'm team #jathena
@user2:YEAH #jathena

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