31. Cold tears

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After the concert, we get into the car and start heading over to Charlie's place we sang or more like screamed One Direction the whole way there.
Both of us know every word to all the songs we had the windows down, and our hair was blowing everywhere mainly in our faces I'm surprised Charlie could even drive, I felt the freezing air on my face and for a moment I would forget about the fact that everything was complete shit right now but then it would come back to me and could feel the smile slowly turning into a frown.
We were still listening to one direction when Through the Dark caI on Charlie was in her own world but I stop and daze out that was our song I went silent I sat there and listened to the lyrics attentively, he said he would never leave me, he said he would always be there then why isn't he here, why does this feel like the end of Athena and Jamie the two stupid kids who always were together the ones that would never be separated.

I wish that I could take you to the stars
I'd never let you fall and break your heart
And if you wanna cry or fall apart
I'll be there to hold you
You tell me that you hurt, it's all in vain
But I can see your heart can love again
And I remember you laughing
So let's just laugh again

That was the part he always sang to me.

Where was that now?

I felt my cold tears run down my face but I quickly wiped them off my face before Charlie could see them then I tried my best to enjoy the rest of the ride.

Once we get to her house, we don't really know what to do so we turn on more music and dance around like idiots when we finish dancing I plop down on the couch and Charlie went to the bathroom after a few minutes hear "Athena!" when she yells my first thought was maybe she fell in the toilet since you never know with her
I run over to her "Yes Chuckie?" I ask in a British accent, making my way into the bathroom"Face masks?" I nod and grab the bunch of them, looking at each one. "I honestly have no idea how old they are." fuck it why now I mean how bad could a old face mask be i smile then she smiles back "A breakout sounds so fun." she laughs at me and we both put them on.

After we both put them on we sit on the couch We talk about everything that's going on right now and after talking for hours we both forget about the shit going on in our lives

After we both put them on we sit on the couch We talk about everything that's going on right now and after talking for hours we both forget about the shit going on in our lives

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@AthenaTheGodess: with my artist twinkie @charlieweiss

@charlieweiss: we are so cute
-@jackchampion fr
-@AthenaTheGodess: yesss

@jackchampion arteest
@Baileybass: y'all are so cute

-@AthenaTheGodess: HAHA what was she doing
     -@username: screaming lyrics of your song😭
     -@charlieweiss: sounds like me

@Baileybass: gorg girls
-@AthenaTheGodess: stop rn

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