38. A fine line

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jamie's pov

Avery and I are at dinner and every day that goes by I'm realizing that I truly can't stand her. currently, we're sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant she's on her phone and all I can think of is Athena this is her favorite restaurant she loved it I took her here whenever she was sad because they have these cute lights that look like stars on the ceiling I knew from when I laid eyes on it that she would like it, I got irritated at this whole situation so I get up from my seat without a second thought and hurry off to the bathroom then I call Britain

hey brit

Hey Jamie what's going on

Do you know if Thena is mad at me

Aren't you at dinner with your girlfriend

Can you just answer me please

Yes okay she's mad at you


Um why are you dating Avery

Since you don't even like her

I never even told her I wanted to date
she basically just forced me but
now can you tell me why thena hates me

That's for you to find out buddy just
Think about what you did when you
Got together with Avery

It's so frustrating she hates Athena and
I hate that she hates her Thena is my
best friend how is Avery gonna
keep me from seeing her completely
I can't stay away from her

Jamie come on you are grown man
you don't have to listen to her
this whole situation is so toxic

I don't know why I even stayed with her

Hmmm well maybe it's because you want Thena but you're scared of losing her so you're trying to distract yourself by getting with Avery who is kinda an asshole

Kinda is an understatement,
i just want Athena back but
she won't talk to me

Then fix it

And how do I do that

I can't help you there

Okay I'm gonna try and fix
this fucking mess

Good luck man maybe try seeing Thena in person she misses you now go

Thanks, brit

Yeah no problem Jamie also maybe
think about both of your feelings
right now don't be stubborn

And with that, the call ended I think about everything then I put the pieces together I said I would always be there for Thena and then I got with Avery who didn't let me see her I left Thena when I said I never would I fucked up majorly I have to make this right.

I storm out to the table we were sitting at "Can we go" Avery just glared at me but didn't say anything "Avery please let's go I need to talk to you" She rolls her eyes but gets the bill I pay I mean I'm still a gentleman we walk out of the restaurant which was one of Thenas favorite
"I'm glad we left it wasn't that good anyway"
She was so snobby I had to do this quickly when she doesn't get her way she gets irritated and I don't feel like dealing it
"i'm breaking up with you" I say bluntly
"What the fuck is your problem, Jamie"
"my problem is that I can't see thena"
"I can't talk to her I can't see her all because you don't want me to Avery I'm a grown man I can do what I want"
"fine you love her so go be with her because she loves you too"
I pause when she says this and I don't say anything
"How did you know I love her?"
"well how could I not know she is the only thing that makes you have that spark in your eyes, she is the only person who you would do anything for"
"your right I would"
"Okay look I know you don't like me and I don't like you but honestly Jamie you really need to man up and tell Athena that you love her otherwise you might lose her since i made you distance yourself from her she has to be mad"
"i can't lose her"
"i'll be by tomorrow to pick up my stuff i'm gonna stay at my sisters"

I don't say anything I just silently walk around the block to my apartment and when I walk in I can't help but cry when I look around and see everything that's not Thanas, it doesn't smell like her anymore, and I don't see the paintings that she loved or the snow globe I gave her in 5th grade this place doesn't have happiness it isn't home anymore, I need Athena.

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