41. hugging you

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Jamie flatters were seen last night hugging his childhood best friend Athena Carter while crying. breakups?,makeups?breakdowns?.


"I guess my joke about Enews came true look" I turn over in my bed and look at his phone "Aw you look cute while crying" he jokingly shoves me off of his chest which starts a tickle fight I laugh until I can't breathe anymore "Okay fine Jamie I surrender" he looks at me with a smirk on his face then kisses me "Mr.Flatters have I ever told you how hot you are " his smirk turns into a shy smile his face goes red
"Why no miss carter you have not"
"Oh well I'll tell you again"
My breath hitches as I tease him he flips me over, he travels down my body taking off the little clothes I have on
And of course, again you know what happens next.

A/n: I hate writing smut but i felt the tension while writing so this is what you're stuck with, they Are hordogs 24/7 I swear this is also just a filler chapter wanted to feed y'all a little bit

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