💌 Fallen Angel (Toga x Female!Reader)

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"It hurts..."

The cuffs and chains holding you were cold and tight, burning where they were cutting in.

"I want to die,"

Hands above your head, you looked like a doll, broken, beautiful. Sad eyes watched you from a distance, as your head slumped forward, body curling inward in some form of self comfort. You didn't know they were there.

"Please kill me." You whispered to no one in particular, tears slowly rolling down your cheeks and creating spots on the floor below you.


The sound of the floorboards in front of you made your body tense up, anticipating more pain. But it never came.


Suddenly, the weight of your arms dropped, warming slowly as blood circulated again. You kept your head down, afraid.

"Can you get up?" A girls voice cut through the silence, making your head shoot up, amber eyes connecting with yours. Her blonde hair in messy buns and the faint glow of the light above her left you breathless.

"An angel..."

Your throat suddenly felt dry, and no amount of licking helped your lips. So you nod, slowly standing up, faltering only for a moment.

"I can't watch them do this to you."  She said softly, looking closer, you realized her eyes were red and puffy. Was she crying for you?
"Who, are you? Why am I here?" You managed to ask.

"I'm Himeko," she gave a sad smile, " and... I'm not sure why, but we aren't going to stay and find out." She took you by the hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze.

You nodded your head, feeling a sudden swell of courage wash over you, Himeko took that as you agreed and led you out of the room.


It was a blur. You barely remember how you got out, but it didn't matter. The air was cold around you, fresher than the warm air that choked you inside that room. Despite the shivers you felt throughout your body, you looked up to see the night sky, stars shining so brightly it was almost blinding.
"I've always been locked up..." You said, eyes never wavering from the sky. "Always sold and auctioned off...tested on...It's been a while since I've seen the sky..." You finally looked at her."I almost forgot how big it all is." You smiled, giggles just bubbling out like all the anxieties were leaving you.

Himeko could feel her cheeks growing warm. How could someone go through all that and still smile.

"Come with me." She blurted out, grabbing your shoulders. "Run away with me. We can stay together and forget everyone else!"

This was a dream, wasn't it?

You pinched yourself, the pain sharp, you were awake. You were free, and someone, an angel, wanted to stay with you.

"Yes...." it was barely a whisper at first. You hugged Himeko tightly, almost making her fall at the sudden force of your body. "Yes, I'd love that!" She hugged you back, warmth spreading all around you as you cried.

To be continued...

Word Count: 504

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