🍋💌 Matrimony (Wolf!Bakugo x Female!Reader)

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In a small village surrounded by forest, you always heard of the demons that lingered in the dark woods. The people, however, did not fear for they had the protection of the wolves.

It was said long ago that the king of wolves came into the village and offered it protection if a maiden was given as his bride. Your ancestor was the chosen maiden then, and every few years, the first daughter of your family was to be 'married' to the first son of the wolf clan.

You grew up with your 'betrothed' and played together. Learning your roles for when the time came, begrudgingly you accepted it, but he seemed oddly okay, though he never would admit it.

It was lively as everyone prepared for the festival which would happen soon. There were children playing, parents working, grandparents talking, and neighbors gossiping.

"Don't frown love. What you're doing is an honor to the village." Your mother cooed as she fixed your outfit, smoothing out the white silk.

"Then why can't someone else be the bride if it's such an 'honor'." You pouted, nerves turning your stomach as they finished your hair.

"Because your ancestor was chosen, it is tradition." She scolded, looking over you one last time. "You look beautiful, darling." She sighed, finally letting you look in the mirror. You were at a loss for words, a bride in white, a little girl's dream, but it felt bittersweet.

Now, all that remained was for the wolves to come.

You waited patiently outside, counting down the minutes until the ceremony started. You kept your head down as instructed, only to lift it to meet the eyes of your soon to be 'husband'.

Hushed whispers filled the air as footsteps grew closer. A low growl vibrated your spine as he stood in front of you.

A smile graced your lips, a hand slowly lifting your gaze, your eyes meeting red.

He also wore white, adorned with furs, wolfish ears atop his head.

The Wolf.

You bowed to each other and faced the village, as the ceremony began, wolves circled around as if watching and blessing the ceremony on their side as well. You sipped on the sake provided, feeling warm and fuzzy, and soon the ceremony was over, and you were being escorted inside. The door shut tightly behind you two.

"Now come here, my wife." He pulled you towards him and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. You shyly moved closer and returned the kiss. Kisses were allowed between married couples, after all.

You knew well the marriage wasn't necessary. The ceremony was just for tradition. It was the consummation of the marriage that counted, which usually took place on this first night together. Even though you were human and not a wolf, it was still necessary for you to perform the act to seal the deal. The idea made you blush even more.

"So you're the one I'm supposed to protect?" Hey said, cocking his head to the side with a grin, his fangs showing.

You smiled, remembering his hot temper. "Yes, looks like I'm in your debt." You lean forward, gently kissing his cheek. He leans into you and you pull back a bit before planting another soft kiss on his cheek. The way he melted into you as if you were made for each other. How easily he accepted you as his wife, as if it was meant to be.

Small kisses scattered his cheeks before he took control, kissing your lips softly. You smiled again and let your hands wander his body, stopping at his chest, petting his soft skin.

His strong arms wrapped around you and he nibbled at your bottom lip. His actions drew a breath from your lungs.

"Just a bite." He purred against your lips before giving them another kiss. His hands glided up your body, making your knees weak. You turned towards him slightly as he began kissing your neck. His tongue tickling your skin.

All your worries left as he kissed your skin and whispered things like how much he loved you and how he would never let anything happen to you. You thought you might actually die from the ecstasy. Before long, he carried you off into the bedroom. The bed cold under your naked body. And once more you were faced with the beast.

"Bakugo." The way his name left you seemed to get a reaction. He didn't waste anytime removing your clothes, ripping them apart. Leaving you as bare as he was before he slammed your back against the mattress. His hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards him.

"You're not scared of me?" He asked as his fingers trailed over your bare stomach. You looked up at him in surprise.

"Nervous yes, but never scared, not of you." You sighed

"Then of what?" You really hoped he wouldn't ask, you held one of his hands, mindlessly letting your fingers intertwine.

"That this is all just for the ritual..." Saying it out loud almost made you feel sick, but he squeezed your hand tightly before bringing your hand to his lips.

"It isn't. I promise." Bakugou whispered as he kissed the top of your knuckles.

"I want you too much not to have you. So don't worry about that, okay?" He added, your breath caught as his lips brushed across your skin. A shiver ran through your body as he leaned forward to place another kiss on your neck, biting gently. Whimpering and squirming beneath him as he nipped along your collarbone.

"Bakugo... please..." He laughed against your skin as he slid down between your legs, kissing your inner thighs and moving upwards until he could run his tongue along the folds of your pussy. Your hips bucked up to meet his tongue as it flicked teasingly against your clit.

"Please what?" He asked innocently as he teased you with a single finger. "More?" He said when you moaned.

"Yes please." You said breathlessly as he pushed two fingers inside of you. His other hand began playing with your clit as his mouth and fingers worked together to make you writhe under his touch. His eyes locked onto yours as you came apart around him, crying out his name as pleasure washed over you.

He sat up and grabbed condom, ripping open the package before sliding the rubber down over his thick cock.

Your breath hitched as he moved slowly into you, his pace gradually picking up as he pushed deeper inside of you. Bakugou's large body covered yours, pressing against every part of you, he paused and kissed you gently before starting again.

"Are you alright?" You nodded. He began pumping harder, making sure that every inch of his hard cock was buried inside of you. Your body rocked against him as you came apart once more, shouting his name as you let go.

His arms wrapped around you tightly as he thrust himself deeply into you, each movement causing your insides to contract around him as he rode out his own orgasm. Panting heavily against your ear as his body still trembled from the aftershocks.

His hands stroked your hair softly while his lips pressed against your neck, "you're amazing." He murmured against your skin.

You smiled as he rolled off next to you, the soft sheets pulled over you like a cocoon.

"Thank you." you said before snuggling in closer to him as sleep claimed you both.

Word Count: 1248

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