🖤 Bittersweet (Shigaraki x Reader)

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He stared at the ruins, fire engulfing what did remain, small beads of sweat trickling down his forehead and down his back.

He breathed in despair. He couldn't feel anything anymore; not grief or sadness. Only pain. Nothing more than that. The purest, coldest kind of pain there was, pain which was neither physical nor emotional, a pain only brought by hate.

His lips parted as a growl came out from him. All of this...it was all his fault.

He spat at the ground and gritted his teeth, trying hard to hold back his rage and tears. There was no point in feeling so much. They were only going to make things worse. But still, it hurt, so much. Every bit of it was his fault, and even though it didn't change the past, the fact remained.

You were an enemy now.

You looked up at him, blood running down your face. A smile still plastered on you.

Beautiful. Just like always.

You wiped the blood from your mouth. It stained the floor red. You continued to grin and took one step forward. "I've missed you." You laughed, your eyes glowing. "We're finally together again." Your hands slowly reached for him.

Don't do this.

His muscles tensed as you slowly advanced towards him. His throat tightened. Each second seemed to drag on forever.

He felt powerles and trapped. He didn't know how much longer he could last. Not when you were smiling. He could see it. You hated him, yet you loved him too. Or you used to love him... but he left you...

All those times... they were real, weren't they? He could see them clear as day. He could remember every detail, the feelings, the tears, the laughter, the longing. Those memories helped him endure. Even though everything went wrong, those moments reminded him that he had loved you once. That he hadn't betrayed you completely. He had cared about you.

"Shigaraki..." You whispered.

There was something else behind your words, something hidden underneath the surface. He sensed that something was stirring inside of you, waiting to be unleashed.

He knew what it was. He saw it in your eyes before they widened, your body trembling slightly.


It was the fear of being abandoned. The fear of losing someone. Of being rejected. Of being discarded. Of loving someone.

"Did you ever imagine your life would be like this?" You asked softly, a small hint of irony in your voice. You stopped walking and looked up at him.

He watched you carefully, trying hard to read into if it was a genuine question, or was it merely a test? Maybe it was both?

"I never thought about it.... Because I had no choices." Shigaraki replied shortly. "Do you think I'm happy right now?"

The tone of his voice was calm, his words were monotonous, but the emotions behind them were turbulent, boiling within him.

They threatened to burst out of him, overwhelming him, drowning him in a sea of darkness. It made him want to scream and cry. How did things go from being alright to this? He wanted to reach out for you, but that was impossible. No matter how many years passed, nothing changed between them. This situation was hopeless. It wouldn't get better.

He wanted to destroy everyone who had caused him pain, especially himself. The rest would come naturally.

The two of you just stared at each other. Your eyes searching through his soul. It was almost as if you were searching for the answer to some unanswerable question.

After several long seconds, your face softened. Your smile returned. "I love you." You said the sweetest sound he had ever heard.

Before he knew it, you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his. For a moment, he couldn't move. Frozen in place. Then he relaxed, his muscles loosening as your warm embrace enveloped him.

He kissed you back with all the love he had stored up in his heart. It wasn't much, but it was enough. A bittersweet ending, he was too far gone for hope.

He grabbed both your arms, 4 fingers wrapped tightly, his pinky fingers being the only things keeping him from destroying you. His scarlet eyes burned with a lust for revenge. They were soft at first, then hardened.

"There's no going back now." He whispered, trying to convince himself more than you.

"I hope you're happy, and your revenge was well worth it." You smiled, tears rolling down your cheeks as he finally fully gripped your arms. His quirk eating at you, you winced in pain for a moment but never screamed. Instead, you smiled brightly as you slowly decayed into nothing...

"Rest easy. Your efforts will not go unnoticed." He muttered a small grin on his face, one of which he would never show anyone else.

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