🍋 Discipline (Aizawa x Reader)

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Time kept moving forward, you had an anxious sensation crawling up your back. The blindfold over your eyes forced you to focus on the sounds around you. The clock ticking, your breathing, and the foot steps that circled. You squirmed tugging at the ropes around your wrists. "Ah ah ah." A husky voice hit your ears, the tip of a riding crop pushing under your chin, making you look up to where the voice came from. "Now I believe I told you to stay still." You could hear the lazy smirk in the tone of his voice.

You just wanted to try role-playing, but didn't think Aizawa would want to do teacher/student, let alone the light bondage. He had you bring out your old uniform, surprised it even fit at all. "Delinquent students are to be dealt with. What should I do with you?"

"Mmpf..." The pathetic whine left your lips, afraid to speak out of turn

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you."


A stinging pain lingered on your thigh, tears peaking on the corners of your eyes only to be absorbed by the mask. "MMPF!" You repeat, hoping it was correct.

"I suppose some 'extra credit' could help you out." He was right next to your ear, his hot breath sending more shivers down your spine, drool dripping from the corners of your mouth. "But first," he began to undo the gag, "I'll let you plead your case."

"P- please sir! I promise I won't be a bad student again!" You whimper, aroused and afraid. "I'll do anything to get my grades up!" That was the triggering sentence.

"Anything?" You could hear him unbuckle his belt, his pants going down with a thud.

"Yes, sir." You felt him get closer to you something poking your lips.

"Suck." He was firm, and with no objections you took him into your mouth, tongue rubbing whatever you could fully fit. "Aah~ so you can be a good student, huh?" He sighs, you moan in agreement sending vibrations through his cock earning a sexy grunt. "Good, keep going." He grabs your hair, face fucking you at this point, thrusting to the back of your throat you could hear yourself gagging on his length. A pain prickly the back of your throat he finished, his cum shooting down where you had no choice but to swallow. "Take it all, I don't want a mess." You swirl your tongue around making sure nothing is left, his cock leaving your mouth with a pop.

"Is there anything else I can do, sir?" You ask, trying to steady your breathing

"Eager to please huh? I might have something for you." He picks you up and sits you down on the bed, undoing the blindfold. It's dark aside from a few candles that are lit and you see him in frobt of you, sitting in a chair, legs crossed. "Touch yourself." He's blunt, leaving you flustered.

"You want me to-"

"I don't believe I stuttered (Y/N)." His tone was harsh, but him saying your name made you hot and bothered. You take off the bottom of your uniform. "Slower." A command, not a suggestion. You sway your hips to the sound of the ticking pulling the bottoms off and then your underwear. "Spread your legs." He leans forward now, ready to watch. You spread your legs as told, blushing at the exposure, but not wanting to upset him you begin to feel yourself.

You caress your chest, making eye contact with him, your hands slowly dipping down your own body, till you hit your own sweet spot. You've never done this in front of him before but a wave of confidence hit you as his eyes watched unwavering. You lick your fingers seductively to give yourself some lubrication and go to work. You start slowly, building up speed until you're just a moaning mess.

"A- Aizawa~" In such a state of bliss you almost forgot he was there. Moaning his name earned you being pinned down by him.

"I think you earned yourself a reward." He chuckled, pulling you by your tie you looked down to see he was hard again, and it was because of you. He grabbed a condom and ripped the wrappper open with his teeth. Sliding it on he positioned himself. "Ready?" Even though he dominated you, he at least still asked for consent.

"Yes, sir." You smile, ready for him to plunge into you and fill you with ecstasy. It was slow, he was gentle, easing himself until he was fully inside. He didn't wait a moment longer, he was pounding away your legs over his shoulders as he grabbed your hips. You were a moaning mess under him as he grunted next to your ears, his voice turning you on even more.

"Fuuuck~ You're so tight." He says through gritted teeth.

"I'm g- gonna!" You grip his shoulders.

"Not without my permission." He ripped himself out, denying you your release, you squirmed under him whining at the sudden emptiness and writhing for some form of friction.

"P- please! Oh my god Sensei!" You wanted to cry, having to be a begging mess.

"Please what?" He's doing it on purpose, prodding your entrance, taunting you.

"Please finish fucking meee~" You whined, any form of pride was gone.

"Say it again." He pushed the tip in. "Say my name."

"Shota! Sensei please finish fucking me so I can cum~" You were red, panting, embarrassed and needing release.

"Perfect." He rammed right back into you, pounding away as he bit your ear, whispering sweet nothings of how you were such a good student. "Cum for me." His thrusts were getting sloppy as he was getting closer to his own release.

"Shota I'm c- cumming~" A throaty moan ripped through you and you felt him twitch inside, filling the condom up. You hug him, feeling that his back was slick with sweat, but you didn't care. He pulled out taking the condom off and tying it before tossing it in the trash. You curled up under the covers waiting for him to get under, snuggling in the afterglow of sweet nothings and I love you's before finally dozing off.

Word count: 1039

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