🍋 Break (Dabi x Reader)

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His hands trailed over your sensitive skin, making you shiver. Breath caught, eyes fluttering shut. “No,” came the reply. A gentle sting, making sensitive skin only more sensitive. “Eyes open. Keep them on the mirror, sweet thing. I want you to watch me take you apart.” Dabi's voice huskey in your ear. You did as he told and opened your eyes, your reflection staring back at you. Marks scattered across your skin, your face twisted with a look clouded in lust.

"D- Dabi," you panted, "I don't know if I can last much longer~" He was tormenting you, denying you of any finish, going agonizingly slow or so fast it burned. The ropes that tied you chaffing your wrists and biting into your thighs. He walked behind you, his eyes trailing your body, then scanning your face in the reflection, a lazy smirk on his face.

"Where's the fun in that?" His chuckle was dark, and low. He was really going to break you. You wanted nothing more than for him to pound into you, but he wanted to tease you, torment you with everything in his arsenal. He squatted down, scarred hands running through your hair, grabbing a fist full and pulling your head to the side making you yelp as he attacked your neck once more. He knew what it did to you as you squirmed, the heat between your legs growing for the umpteenth time, whimpers escaping your lips as he bit everywhere he could. "Spread your legs." He whispered in your ear, the heat from his breath making you shiver as he slapped your thighs. You complied and spread them, being fully revealed in front of the mirror, you wanted to look away in embarrassment, but knew he'd punish you if you did.

His fingers lightly danced upon your thighs, small sensations scattered as he made his way closer to your core, filling you with a burning excitement. One finger lazily entering you as you fought the urge to buck your hips. "I don't think I even need to do this, your body seems ready." He bit the top of your ear, earning another moan. You saw him shift behind you as he grabbed something from his pocket, you couldn't make it out until he brought it forward, presenting a bullet vibrator in front of you. You watched as he slid it in you, a fullness you hadn't felt with his fingers inside you, a sudden whirring inside you making your body clench.

"D- Dabi!!!" You screamed, the bullet going on it's fastest setting immediately causing tears to form in your eyes. "Please! O- oh my god~!" It was too much at once, but it was euphoric, drool slid down from the corner of your mouth as you watched your body squirm in the mirror.

"You look so pathetic." He was holding your thighs tight, fully insuring you wouldn't close them. "Look at the mess you're making." You were dripping, a puddle slowly pooling under you, was it pee? Was it your essence? No idea, but you were so close, your legs twitched in his grasp as you felt the knot in your stomach once again.

"I'm so close~! D- Dabi pleeaase!" He was right, pathetic, but pride was thrown out the door a long time ago. He only watched you as you writhed, your panting filling his ears as you begged. The knot grew tight, your body fighting his hold as it twitched and bucked, then nothing. An animalistic whine left your lips, he turned it off.

"Can't just let you finish without my permission." He kissed your temple, ignoring the hurt look you had. He leaned forward and slowly pulled the bullet out, your hips bucking in protest. "You've been so good, I think you deserve a treat." He turned your face to look at him, turquoise eyes piercing through you. He kissed you hard, biting at your lower lip and ravishing what he could with his tongue. You jumped when something cold touched your thighs, he pulled a knife out and cut the rope that had your legs tied in a bend. "Stand up." He grabbed your tied wrist, yanking you up, giving you a moment to catch yourself, then cutting your wrist free. "Bend over." His commands held power, but there was something behind it, his own arousal that excited you.

Following his command you bent yourself over, hands on the mirror, you waited, watching what you could from the reflection. You heard the click of his belt and the soft thid of his pants coming off. Soon his hand was on your hip, squeezing as the other lined himself up. He didn't wait, or ask, slamming himself into you. "Fuck~!!" Teeth gritted you dealt with the pain, knowing it'd feel like pleasure soon. His thrusts were hard and consistent, leaving you breathless. "I- it's so- ahn! So good!" He bent himself over you, arms snaking around, rough hands caressing your body, pinching your nipples hard. You were a mess in his hands, pinches, scratches, you felt fire with every touch.

"You gonna be my cum dumpster?" He grunted in your ear, his thrusts becoming irregular, as the knot burned in your stomach, making you tighten around him.

"Dabi!!! I'm gonna cum~!!" You moaned drunk on the overstimulation of consistent denial. Broken.

"Me too, take it all!" Your orgasm ripped through you, your scream mixing with his moans. You could feel him twitching inside you, still thrusting as you both rode out the ecstasy. You watched him pull out, your legs finally giving in as you collapsed in front of the mirror. Dabi wasn't one for after care, but he carried you to the bed and gave you a cloth to clean yourself off. He found his pants and pulled them back on, before leaving you to fall asleep, curled up on your own.

Word count: 982

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