🍋 Self Indulgent (Hizashi × Female!Reader)

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His voice always had an effect on you, the way he'd whisper into your ear or talk to you softly while stroking your hair. That night was no different, as his tone got a bit more husky and intense, making you quiver with pleasure.

"I want you to imagine that I'm touching you," he said in a slightly commanding voice, "in all the right places."

A shiver ran down your spine as he continued, making you feel lightheaded.

"Do you like the idea of me exploring every inch of your body? Your nipples, breasts, stomach...down there..." He licked his lips as you began to squirm underneath him.

"Yes Hizashi." you whisper.

"Good girl. Keep your eyes closed and listen to my words." You listened closer you eyes anticipating what he was going to do, gently lead your hand. "I want you to listen to my instructions carefully."

You let out a soft moan as he began to tell you exactly how he wanted to you to play with yourself.

"First touch your clit, rub it between your thumb and forefinger. Do this gently, so it's not too rough, just enough to give yourself some pleasure." As you started to move your fingers over your clit, you could feel your breathing pick up, feeling wetness between your legs.

"Now place your index finger inside your vagina, as deep as you can get it. You know what to do."

As you slowly inserted your finger, you could feel it getting wetter, your walls closing tighter around it. You let out a gasp at the feeling of his instructions as your fingers began to work their magic on your already sensitive body.

"Once you've gotten used to that sensation, slide one more finger inside of you. How does that feel?"

It felt amazing, it wasn't easy to insert two fingers into your tight hole but once you did it felt incredible.

"This is embarrassing." You say quietly.

"Don't be embarrassed, just do what you need to." He tells you.

"Hizashi..." you begin to whine as you pull away from your fingers, his gentle voice makes you feel less nervous. "I want you to put another finger inside of you."

He only responds by guiding your hand back towards your moist opening. "Go ahead and try."

You push another finger inside you, taking it slow so you don't hurt yourself, you feel it stretching open to accommodate the extra digits.

"Mmm, it feels good doesn't it?" His voice has turned seductive as you start moving your fingers faster.

"Yes, so good!" You moan, feeling the familiar fire in the pit of your stomach. He watched you writhe, knowing well the signs of you getting close.

"Now stop." The command stuns you but you obey, ripping your fingers away with a whine. He sits back on the bed watching you in complete silence, as if to prove to himself that he had the power to make you do whatever he wants.

"Please..." you whimper, tears threatening to fall down your face as you feel the ache grow stronger.

"No." His answer leaves you trembling and desperate for relief.

"You'll wait for it to calm, and then we'll continue." Without realizing it you were pressing you legs together, trying to get any kind of friction. You look over at him, feeling completely helpless, his eyes are full of passion and lust.

"Now, that isn't what I told you to do." He said with a tsk. Leaning towards you he grabbed your knees and forced your legs apart. "I told you to wait." With that, he leaned in and planted a kiss on your exposed pussy. You gasped as his tongue traced over your slit, sending goosebumps down your body. You bite your lip, trying not to buck your hips in excitement, but it's hard to hold back when you're so worked up.

"Hizashi...please..." you moaned loudly years pricking your eyes, he'd stop for a second but kept going, you knew what he wanted to hear. "I'm sorry!" You sobbed. "I promise, I'll be good, I won't move anymore."

"Good." He smirked, wiping your juices off his face. He sat back on the edge of the bed, looking straight into your eyes.

You closed your eyes and breathed, trying to calm the fire inside you, focusing instead on the cool air around you, the sound of his breathing, and the pounding of your heart. It had worked, and you waited for his instructions.

"Now I want you to get on your knees." His voice was rough as always, his gaze burning through your body.

A soft smile appeared on your lips, your cheeks flushed with excitement at his words. Your body quivered with anticipation.

"Start again." He said nothing else but you knew what he meant.

Your hands trembled as you reached between your legs, rubbing yourself slowly. "Please...."

He chuckled, shaking his head as he watched you. Your small hands moved up and down, teasing your clit with your fingertips. You whimpered quietly as you felt your orgasm approaching. He growled lowly, wanting more than anything in this world to see that look on your face. "Fuck!" He whispered.

You were almost there when he grabbed your hips, pulling you close. The feeling of his large cock pressing against you made your eyes widen in surprise.

"Please Hizashi....oh god...I need you now...please..." you begged, feeling weak.

With a quick motion, he positioned himself at your entrance and pressed forward. With one thrust, you cried out in pleasure, clenching tightly around him.

His hands gripped your waist firmly as he leaned over you, lifting you slightly as he drove deep into you. A slow moan escaped his lips as he slowly began to fuck you, pumping faster with each movement.

You threw your head back and let out a loud moan, the sudden intense pleasure leaving you breathless. You couldn't control yourself any longer, as you came, screaming out his name, causing Hizashi to drive even harder into you, his own climax beginning to take over.

It was too much for you to handle; you bit your lip. His orgasm subsided slowly, until he finally stopped moving, burying his face into your neck, still deep inside of you. You sighed happily, enjoying the weight of his body on top of your back. You felt him shift behind you, ready for him to pull out, but he was moving again. You felt him grow harder inside you.

"Hizashi wait!" You looked back at him, the sensations already returning. "I don't think I can take another right now."

He chuckled low, leaning to whisper in your ear. "Sorry baby, but the sound of your moans is like music to my ears." He nipped your earlobe playfully before starting up again, moving in an ever increasing rhythm that made you want more.

"Oh shit....ahhh..." you gasped as you felt your walls clench hard around him.

"Now let me hear your symphony." He encouraged you as he picked up speed, thrusting deeply into you once more.

The stimulation was almost too much, tears falling as a string of moans and whimpers escaped your lips.

"You're making me crazy baby, keep going." Hizashi urged you, one hand pulling on your hair as the other tightened its grip on your hip.

The stimulation sent shivers down your spine and a feeling of intense heat through your body. The only word escaping with the moans was his name, like a chant on your lips.

It wasn't long before your cries reached a fever pitch and your entire body began convulsing around his cock. It was all you could do to hold yourself still while he kept fucking you until he filled you completely with his seed.

When he finally pulled out, your hips fell to the side and the aftershocks of orgasm rippled throughout your body. He collapsed onto the bed next to you and kissed your neck, his voice tender but husky.

"I love you."

Word Count: 1338

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