🍋 Last Meal (Hunter!Bakugo x FemaleVampire!Reader)

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The bar was bustling with activity. Hunters bragging of their latest kills and telling their stories. Glasses slamming against the tables while they ordered round after round. You watched a particular man, as he sat with others, he laughed with them but seemed the most sober, the perfect target. It would be no challenge for you to get close enough. You smiled as you met his wine red eyes. He glanced your way briefly before he turned back to his friends.

When next he looked at you again, you were getting up from the bar and heading outside, not even giving him a second glance. The cool night air greeted you, refreshing compared to the stuffy bar behind you. You hear the scrap of a seat, like someone was rushing to get up. You smiled knowing he had taken the bait. You sauntered slowly away from the opening and made your way into an alley beside the building, humming as you heard the footsteps behind you grow closer.

"Don't be stupid." His voice was gruff, "The city is teeming with vampires at night, you shouldn't be out here alone idiot." He sounded more annoyed than concerned but that didn't matter, he was just another meal for you.

"Oh, I didn't think about that at all." You feign innocence in your voice, "I just needed some fresh air, would you stay with me?" You said looking back over your shoulder at him and tilting your head seductively. He smiled as if he caught a prize.

You leaned against the brick wall, taking a deep breath and allowing your cleavage to catch his gaze.

"I'm all for protecting, but don't you think this is a dangerous situation?" He smirked, his arms now on either side of you. The smell of beer lingered in his breath. His hand came up and caressed your face, almost gentle, warm. You held it close, leaning in on it as you looked up at him through your lashes.

"What if I'm looking for a little danger?" You coo, lulling him slowly into a sense of comfort with you. He smelt sweet, and you were fighting to jump him now. You looked over his body to see if he held any weapons, he was part of a Hunter's guild but had nothing in him.


The silence was suddenly broken by your hungry growl. He pulled back and looked at you with confusion. Before he could move any further you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him hard. He grunted, body stiff at first like he wanted to fight it, but slowly you felt his shoulders ease up. You let your hands wander from his shirt to the back of his head, playing with his golden locks and earning you a moan of approval.

Breaking the kiss so he could breathe you pecked his cheek, slowly trailing butterfly kisses down his neck before finally biting down. He hissed in pain and tried to shoved you off but you we're stuck on him, the warm liquid rushing in tasted as sweet as he smelt. He was good. So very good. Your fangs extended as his blood filled your mouth. Oh, this wasn't going to be easy to control.

You couldn't lose a blood source that tasted this good, despite your want you released him from your bite. His blood now running down his shoulder. Normally you'd feel refreshed but suddenly you felt fuzzy after drinking his blood. He must've been more drunk than you thought and now it was affecting you.
Your hands started roaming freely over his chest. He pulled away panting lightly as he struggled to regain control of himself. The heat radiating from him still left you craving more though. As he regained his composure you slipped your hands underneath his shirt and squeezed his tight muscles and hard nipples, pinching them gently.

"Damn." You swore under your breath. What the hell are you doing? This was not the time to go getting hot and heavy. Not only did you want to keep him alive, you had to disappear before any other hunters found you.

"Can't just leave before finishing what you started!" He chuckled. You huffed slightly, giving in to his teasing tone. A small smile curved your lips and you tugged him close once again, kissing him softly.

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