🖤 Loss (Keigo x Female!Reader)

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tw: miscarriage

"I need to see him."

Tears rolled down your face as you sat in the hospital bed, your mind was racing, freaking out at what you'd say.

"We understand miss, we'll have a nurse contact your fiancé." The doctor sighed as he looked at your papers. You could feel his pity, and it only made you feel worse.

It was supposed to be a quick mission, save the hostages and let the police take over the rest. But it was a trap. You were injured in battle, not severely from what you could tell but there was a lot of blood, and a pain so intense you passed out. Waking up in the hospital was one thing, what you heard after was worse.


"Where is she?!" A frantic but familiar voice could be heard outside, your fiancé finally made it.

"Sir please calm down, her room is right this way." The nurses guided him to your room and the door swung open.

"Kid! I came as soon as I heard!" Keigo didn't hesitate to grab your hand and hold it tight. "Are you okay? "

"Physically kinda, a couple of bruised ribs and some cuts." You try to smile but it'd be a lie. "But mentally...I may need a break from work..."

"Of course kid, I know this situation must've been hard on you, an ambush that large would scare anyone." He squeezed your hand tightly.

"No...no Keigo it's not about the mission. "

"Then what is it kid? Talk to me." His voice was soothing as he caressed your back, whispering sweet nothings as your body trembled, tears burning as they rolled down again. "Kid..."

"I had a miscarriage..." you cried, but your voice was barely a whisper.


"I had a miscarriage Keigo!" You said louder for him, your heart squeezing with anxiety. "I didn't even know I was pregnant, and now they're gone!"

His face twisted with sadness, you knew how much it meant to him. You knew how much you both wanted a family, and it was taken away before it could even begin.

"Kid.... babe... it's gonna be okay." You shook your head, not wanting to hear any attempts he'd make to ease your pain.

"No Keig-"

"Listen to me." His voice was stern, but loving, his hand cupped your cheek and slowly moved your face to look him in the eye. "I know the pain isn't just going to vanish, I know this is going to eat at you. But please know that I will be by your side for as long as you need to feel like you again."

He gave you a small kiss.

"Or if you need space, I'll give you that too. We can get through this, okay?"

You were a sniffling mess as he comforted you, his fingers wiping away tears and kissing you lightly all over your face.

"We'll be okay kid, I promise."

"What if this breaks me....what if this breaks us?"

"Well, there's no right way to grieve, there's only your way, and no matter which way it goes I promise I'll stay by your side kid. You just gotta trust me, okay?

You sat quiet as he waited patiently for a response.


Word count: 542
A/N: sorry it's so short and sad, may delete later idk.

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