💌 Budding Romance (Tokoyami x Female!Reader)

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AN: Trying something new guys! This is a longer one.

Red eyes glanced at you now and then. He wanted to talk to you, but you were like the sun, and he'd burn if he got too close.

"Tokoyami," Tsu nudged his shoulder, breaking him from his thoughts, "if you like her, you gotta tell her. Ribbit."

She looked at him, her eyes watching for a response.

"No." He didn't mean to be curt, but the thought was embarrassing enough. "Plus we barely talk in class, wouldn't that be creepy?"
He sighed, barely touching his lunch.

"Tsu is right though." Shoji chimed in, speaking with the mouth on his tentacle. "You've liked her since our first year, and haven't tried to talk to her one on one."

This earned a small blush but Tokoyami shook his head like he was erasing the thought. Suddenly Dark Shadow popped out, joining what everyone else was saying.

"Please Tokoyami~" She cooed, like a smaller sibling begging. "You care a lot about her~"

"Quiet." He had commanded, not sternly but enough for the table to know he was flustered. "She's far above me. She would never see me like that." He finally took a bite of food, his friends glancing at each other knowingly.

"She's looking over here now. Ribbit." Tsu bluntly said, eating her own meal.

Tokoyami tried to ignore her.

"She's heading over," Shoji added, making Tokoyami jump at the sound of a chair moving suddenly.

"Hi! Hi!~" Dark Shadow stretched to you as you walked over, grabbing your hands excitedly. "We're so glad you're here!~" She chirped, her eyes squinting in a smile.

"We?" You asked quizzically, looking at the table. "Did someone need me?" You asked with a smile, eyes trailing over everyone, lingering just a moment longer on your friend of darkness.

"Yea~ Yea~! Me and T-"

"Tsu. Tsu had something to ask you." Tokoyami cut Dark Shadow off, summoning her back to him.

"Oh!" You tried not to sound disappointed. "Well perfect I was coming to ask you something too Tsu. Ochako and Jiro were talking about going out this weekend, I wanted to see if you'd join us." Tsu was your best friend so whenever plans were being made you always made sure she was invited.

"Sure. Ribbit. Sounds like fun." Tsu smiled.

"Awesome," You jumped. "And what did you need from me, Tsu?"

Tokoyami mentally cursed himself for lying about that. He glanced over at Tsu hoping she'd cover for him, but he couldn't read her usual blank expression.

"Oh, I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out this weekend, ribbit." She smiled, kicking Tokoyami lightly under the table.

"Then that works out." You giggled, music to Tokoyami. "Whenever they figure it out and such I'll let you know immediately!" You hugged Tsu before turning to go back to your own table, waving to everyone else as you walked away.

"Sorry..." He muttered unable to look Tsu in the eyes.

"When she sends me the details, I'll forward them to you. Ribbit."

"Wha-" Dark shadow popped out again, cutting Tokoyami off.

"Tsu~ You're the best!!~" She cheered.

"Why would I need those details?" He sighed, tired of trying to keep Dark Shadow quiet.

"I'm assuming it's so that you can 'happen to run into them' this weekend." Shoji guessed.

"Exactly that, ribbit." Tsu patted Dark Shadows head. Finishing her meal she looked to Tokoyami. "You just need to take the first step, ribbit. Maybe invite her to the park, or even a movie at the dorms." Tsu was firm and got up before Tokoyami could say anything more.

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