💌🖤 Protect (Ghost!Izuku x Female!Reader)

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You came home after a date, flustered, embarrassed, and wanted nothing more than your bed. You took everything off without a care where it landed, getting in your comfy clothes and plopping down, your pillow swallowing your tears.

"Hey, what happened?" A cold hand patted your back, your 'roommate'.

"Izu....he said I wasn't worth his time." You whined, emerald eyes sadly watching you.

You could see spirits, and when you moved in, you didn't realize one occupied your now apartment. Your 'roommate', and you two had been living together for a couple of months now. He was sweet, mostly stayed out of your way, giving you privacy, but was a good listener. When he did talk, he'd go on and on about things he used to study. You liked listening.

"Hey, you know that's not true." His hand held your chin, lifting your face up, his thumb wiping away a tear. "You're very bright, almost radiant. He couldn't handle it." He smiled sweetly.

You tried to stop crying, hiccups erupting now and then as you finally got up to wash your face. He floated just above your bed as he waited, watching you come out a little more refreshed.

"Feel better?" You nodded your head at his question.

"A little...hey Izuku....could you talk...about anything. I just wanna listen." You looked up at him meekly, seeing his eyes widen and smile spread across his face.

You laid back down and patted the side next to you for him to fill. He looked a little embarrassed, but you doubled down, patting the spot more firmly. He 'laid' next to you, his presence barely making anything shift on the bed.

"What do you want to hear?" His voice was low and soft, like he was trying to soothe you.

"Anything." You chuckled softly, wanting any kind of distraction.

His cold hands caressed your hair, and you watched his freckled kissed face as he thought of what to say.

"You have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen." His gaze fell on yours. "I can watch it forever and be happy." His other hand reached up, grabbing your hand and holding it close. "Your laugh is like music, bubbly and infectious. It makes me feel giddy inside."

You didn't even know how to react to this....but still wanted more.

"You're also very strong. You don't see it in yourself, but I do. How quickly you bounce back after a hard day or heartbreak. Not many would be able to recover as well as you have." His eyes scanned over your features before meeting yours again.

Your heart beat faster with every word he spoke, loving the idea of being described like this. He stopped talking, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"Now here is something you probably won't believe..." His finger traced along your lips before leaning in to kiss them softly.

"...I love you..." He trailed off, looking at you intently.

It was an innocent statement, but you felt a lump in your throat. You were blushing slightly as he studied you. His expression showed how he truly felt about you and made you feel special for once. You knew you had fallen for him, too.

Your hands were trembling so much that you couldn't form words and just stared at him speechless. Suddenly, he leaned in and gently kissed you again, causing your heart to flutter wildly in your chest. When he pulled away, you were shocked to find tears streaming down your cheeks.

"Don't be sad." He wiped a tear off of your cheek with his thumb. "I'll never leave you." His voice was warm and gentle, the perfect tone for comforting someone.

"Izuku..." You swallowed hard, "I can never have you..." You had to remind yourself of the reality. You were alive, and he....wasn't.

"Yes, but I will always be here to protect you." He smiled at you as if it would erase all the hurt inside of you and held your hand tightly, as he caressed your head slowly, lulling you to sleep...

Word Count: 684

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