🍋 Appetite (Taishiro x Female!Reader)

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You received a call late at night, nervous, you picked up the phone to see your boyfriends name light up on the screen.

"Taishiro, what's up?" You answer confused as he was out with some new trainees. The line was silent for a moment before a timid voice responded.

"I'm sorry to bother you like this..." The voice cracked, finally responding, "this is Tamaki, one of his trainees..." He trailed off, almost unsure of what he was saying.

"Is everything okay?" You tried to probe hoping to figure out why he had your boyfriend's phone. The line was silent before you heard shuffling like someone else had grabbed the phone.

"Hey, this is Ejiro. Also, one of the trainees, everything is okay. It just seems like Taishiro slightly overdid it on the drinks. We were hoping you could help us get him home safe." His explanation seemed to calm you down.

"I'll be there shortly." You agreed, taking a deep breath before hanging up and heading to your car.

You had pulled into a parking garage near where the restaurant was and headed inside, finding your boyfriend at a table looking completely disheveled. His face turned bright red when he saw you, stumbling over his words before giving you an apologetic smile.

You smiled sweetly seeing his interns with water and keeping him stable as they waited for you.

"Ejiro and Tamaki," they nodded as you acknowledged who was who. "Seriously, thank you for keeping him out of trouble." You sighed, rubbing Taishiro's back as he leaned towards you affectionately.

"No trouble at all." The red head beamed. The other awkwardly nodded in agreement.

You took Taishiro's hand, helping him stand. "Let's get you home." Getting him to the car was easy. It was driving him back where it got hard as he tried to caress your thighs and kiss you repeatedly.

"Hun bun, I'm gonna need you to calm down." You giggled as you lightly push him away, watching him pout before a devious grin spread in his face. He leaned enough to whisper in your ear.

“I can't help it. You look just about good enough to eat.” Taishiro said huskily, causing you to blush. "And I intend to do so when we get home." He whispered before nibbling on your earlobe, making you squirm in your seat.

It didn't take long for you two to arrive home, and as soon as the door closed he was on you, pinning you against the wall and kissing you passionately, his hand wrapping firmly around your neck.

He started to pull away from you suddenly, getting a serious expression.

"I'm going to fucking ruin you." He growled, the way he looked at you made your heart flutter.

You weren't used to him being so assertive, but it was a welcomed change that made you weak in the knees.

"You are mine," He repeated himself, biting your lip, causing you to gasp. "Mine." He said again forcefully pushing his hips into yours causing you to arch against him.

His hands found their way under your shirt, stroking over your bare skin. He slid his fingers running his nails gently across your ribs causing you to jump slightly.

"Taishiro please!" You whimpered in a mixture of desire and fear.

A smug smile appeared on his lips as he began to tease you relentlessly, kissing your neck and dragging his teeth along your collarbone before sliding his tongue along your breast, moaning in pleasure as you pushed your chest closer to him.

Finally pulling away, his hand cupped your cheek, his thumb tracing your lower lip , making you bite down on it lightly. His eyes locked onto yours and the fire in them caused you to shudder involuntarily.

"Show me how much you want me with your mouth." He ordered softly his voice like silk caressing your skin, sending chills down your spine.

You complied quickly, your body humming in anticipation. Reaching out your hand took his hardness into your palm, slowly stroking it through his pants before undoing the button on his pants, pulling them off.

Your lips gently caressed his tip, before sucking lightly on the head. Taishiro moaned, closing his eyes and thrusting himself deeper into your mouth.

His fingers tangle in your hair, pulling you further down his length, making you gag slightly at the thickness. Your nails dug into his hips as you swirled your tongue around the tip. Your other hand wrapped around his shaft, squeezing it tightly as you pumped his cock furiously up and down. He groans loudly as he pumps faster into your throat. You gulp hard, trying not to choke.

After a few more minutes he pulls back, and wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs, making you blush furiously.

"If I get to cum, so do you." He whispers in your ear before picking you up and taking you to the bedroom. Taishiro lays you on the bed, slipping your pants off and kneeling between your legs. He licks his lips, looking hungrily at your sex, which is dripping wet with anticipation.

"Open for me." He says, his hands firmly on your knees and them above your head, spreading yourself open for him. You bite your lip as he slowly begins licking your outer folds, occasionally nipping at them.

"Please Taishiro...I want..." You start but stop when you feel his tongue inside of you. It's so slick from your juices that it slides right in without any effort. His warm tongue makes you shudder, letting out a whimper that gets Taishiro even more excited.

"So wet baby, I love how sweet you taste." He growls, getting up and flipping you over onto your stomach, lining up his cock woth your pussy, holding your hips firmly.

"Gonna make you cum all over my cock." He smirks as he thrusts into you hard and fast. He starts thrusting harder and faster, pounding you relentlessly.

You feel him lean forward, an arm snaking around as his hand grabs your throat forcing you in an upright position as he continued pounding. The pleasure builds, and soon you're going insane with desire, your hips rocking hard against him in rhythm. Your body tightens, readying itself for what's coming. You can feel your orgasm building as your breath becomes shorter and shorter.

A wave of ecstasy washes over you and your eyes flutter closed as you cum, crying out loudly as your body shakes violently. Taishiro grunts in delight as he keeps fucking you, his hand tightening around your neck. He looks down at you with lustful intent.

"Come on," he breathes before his mouth meets yours, sucking on your tongue passionately.

His other hand goes to your clit again, rubbing circles around it. His kisses intensify.

His fingers are still rubbing you vigorously while he forces himself deeper into you, stretching you. You can feel the tip of his shaft hitting your womb every time he thrusts, making you moan softly.

"Taishiro...you're so deep...so hot." you pant between breaths.

His lips leave your neck and go to your ear where he nibbles on it slightly. "Mmmm. I love hearing that," he moans as he thrusts even harder, wanting to drive you over the edge once more.

He does just that, slamming into you forcefully , pinning you down. He tightens his grip on the back of your neck and pushes you down onto your back, the pillow muffling your cries.

With one final thrust, your walls tighten around him again cumming with him as he fills you with his essence.

"That's right, take every drop." he moans and thrusts in one last time before falling limp beside you, both of you gasping for air.

He gently lifts you up and lies next to you, kissing you lightly before he turns you on your side facing him and pulling you close to him. "Wanna cuddle?" he asks with a soft smile.

"Always," you respond before curling into his chest.

Word Count: 1335

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