🖤 Detached (Tsuyu x Hanahaki!Reader)

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You were feeling okay for the first time in a long time, smiling warmly before the familiar pain hit you as a flower burst forward, forcing your mouth open.

You began plucking petals off the white poppy one by one. "They love me, they love me not," you think to yourself as a cruel joke, but deep down, you already know the answer. You've been in love with them for years, admiring them from afar, too afraid to confess your feelings. Yet, every time you see them, your heart aches, this disease slowly taking over. You try to hide it, but the flowers that bloom in your lungs and throat are soon to give you away. You know they'll never love you back, but you can't help but hope for a miracle.

"Jeez, you're looking rough." Kirashima jogs up to you. "Do you need anything? Maybe some extra strength cough syrup?"

You had gotten away with lying about a sore throat and cough. You nod your head weakly and smile, grateful for his concern, but the flowers in your chest constrict painfully.

"I'm alright." You barely get out. You tried rushing off to rid the petals stuck in your throat.

"Are you sure?" Mina chimes in concern in her eyes. "You haven't been looking so good since the turn down..." She trails off as she notices the puffy red circles around your eyes.

You sigh as the mental haze overtakes you again. This was becoming too much for you to handle on your own. They had all become more attentive than usual.

You had asked Tsuyu out, pour your heart out to her and the outcome....you couldn't be angry, but it still hurt. How calm she was when she rejected you! She must have heard how broken you were because she only gently brushed the tears from your cheeks before quickly walking away. It didn't even matter now anyway.

A large lump forms in your throat at the thought as the tightness begins to creep up into your chest. You had to go, had to hide what was really going on, but they looked on withconcerned as tears began to form and roll down your face.

"Are you okay?" Kirashima asks, noticing you trembling slightly.

"I..." You tried to rasp out, forcing a petal to the tip of your tongue. Your voice cracks as another petal pushes through the already swollen inner linings of your throat.

The flowers finally busted out, the white petals flowing beautifully down, some painted red by blood, others stained with tears. A violent coughing fit erupts, unable to stop it no matter how hard you try. You gasp for air as your entire body begins to shake uncontrollably, trying to get enough oxygen in.

"Hanahaki?!?" Mina shrieked, never thinking she'd see it in person.

"You need to go to a hospital!" Kirishima holds you steady.

"No," you croak out, knowing the removal would move all feelings for her. "I just need to rest for a little bit... please don't take me anywhere!"

Kirishima looks at you pleadingly, trying his best to control the panic he's feeling. Mina, however, is slowly backing away, fear radiating from her.

"Please...." You beg, the word caught between strained breaths. "Take me somewhere else."

With one last glance towards Mina, Kirishima begrudgingly agrees, helping you into an unused room. He closes the door behind him, leaving Mina outside, almost too scared to say anything.

"Why are you doing this?" Mina whimpers behind the door, the sound of her footsteps growing distant as she runs away.

Kirishima sighs heavily, resting his head against the wall. The petals that you were holding in your hand fall, landing on the ground softly. The room around you growing hazy.

beep. beep. beep.

Your eyes feel heavy as they open slowly, bright white lights blinding you and burning your eyes. The sound of you stirr8ng brought someone closer to you.


"You're finally awake." The sound of relief is mixed with her usual calm tone.

You look at her, confused about why she was there. She smiled sadly at you, knowing all too well that making the decision to save you cost any emotion towards her. But also knowing it was for the nest, she couldn't force reciprocating your affection.

"What happened..." You asked, voice scratching and throat burning intensely.

"It's complicated." Tsuyu's smile fades as she stands up, not explaining anything further. "You need to rest and recover. Mina said she'd bring in any work you might miss while here. And with that, she was gone without a second glance.

Your eyes felt heavy, urging for you to continue resting, but you couldn't understand the emptiness you suddenly felt as you watched her leave.

Your eyelids drooped shut, and seconds later, you drifted back to sleep.

Word Count: 803

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