🍋 Bite (Vamipire!Shoto x Female!Reader)

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He loved the feeling of your skin against his teeth, the way you'd stiffen and relax. He especially loved biting your neck and feeling the vibrations as you moaned in pleasure.

"Shoto fuck~" You mewed as he nipped you, kissing a licking as he marked your body.

The reactions you gave were wonderful, just biting you was enough to arouse him. He wanted to hear your soft sounds, that yelp or moan when you were near climax.

Shoto knew what he wanted, to feel that perfect pussy press against his shaft. He grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his cock. With a moan you felt it enter you, sliding deep into your pussy.

"You're so tight," Shoto groaned before leaning down to bite you again. The pain would bring more pleasure than you could imagine and he knew how to do that. He used those sharp teeth to really make you squirm in pleasure.

He kissed your lips softly as you gasped from his bites.

As he began to thrust inside of you, the feeling of being completely filled with his dick made you want to cry out, which he didn't mind. He loved making you come undone with pleasure.

Shoto changed up the game, pushing you on all fours and lifting your ass in the air, one hand tangled in your hair while the other grasped your ass firmly. As he pushed inside you once again you screamed as you came hard. "Ahh!" Your voice high pitched as the wave crashed over you.

His grip tightened in your hair as he leaned forward, biting your shoulder as he continued thrusting. He bit you until you went limp in his arms, panting heavily from the intense orgasm.

His mouth kissed every inch of your neck, marking you like an animal would mark its territory. He couldn't help himself, he needed to have some sort of mark to show you belong to him.

"Mmm...so beautiful." Shoto breathed out against your skin, before biting your neck once more.

His thrust became slow and deep once more, causing your body to tremble as another orgasm began to form in your core, thrusting gently into you with long, shallow movements. Not wanting to push you over the edge.

You struggled a little as you felt yourself getting close to climax.

"Please, please, Shoto..." You begged him, your hips thrusting against him.

"Hm...you're so eager." He whispered, letting go of your hair to run his hands down your back. "But no need to beg. I'll always give you what you want."

His movements got quicker as he tried to bring you closer to climax but he slowed his pace slightly as soon as he felt your inner walls clench around him tightly.

"That's right." He breathed out softly, placing small bites on your back. He slammed into you one more time before pulling out and having you stradle him.

His hands gripping your ass and guiding the pace before your body took over and started bouncing wildly.

He bit your chest gently, nipping at the skin as you continued to ride him mercilessly. He gave you no rest, grinding you roughly against him, getting lost in your moans. The muscles in his arms tensed up, pressing against your sensitive skin as you neared the end.

It was all too much for him to handle; the sight of you riding him made him explode inside you, making you cry out loudly as your walls clenched around him, milking every drop of cum from him.

Your orgasm finally subsided as he laid back, pulling you on top of him. You snuggled against him as you rested in each other's embrace.

You kissesed and nipped at his neck, and with you pressed firmly against him, his cock twitched inside you, growing hard again. He couldn't hold off.

Shoto brought his hands up to wrap them around your waist, holding you in place as he rammed himself inside of you quickly. His hips bucked faster, giving you no rest.

"I love you..." Shoto breathed out huskily, biting down on your earlobe as he pulled out. He waited a moment before plunging back into you.

With every thrust he moaned your name louder and louder, his cock slamming into you with force. He threw his head back, groaning as he slammed inside of you over and over.

Pleasure overwhelmed you every time he hit a spot, you'd almost scream from the sheer ecstasy it brought you. He gripped your hips tighter, feeling you tense around him as you climaxed again.

You threw your head back as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, feeling a mix of pain and pleasure course through your entire body.

"You're mine." Shoto growled before pressing his forehead against yours. He then moved his face towards your neck, biting you gently. "Always mine."

He flipped you both so he was on top, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.

His thrust harder now, stronger than before, yet they didn't feel painful. In fact, they felt amazing. Each thrust left you screaming his name, your walls clenching around him eagerly. The pressure building up within him threatened to explode as he held onto you tightly.

His body tensed as he pushed himself over the edge, filling you with his seed. You let out a loud moan, burying your head in his neck. Your juices mixed with his as you came together. He laid on top of you for a while, just holding you close. The two of you fell asleep that way, never once breaking contact.

Word Count: 935

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