🍋 Cunnilingus (Mina x Reader)

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She was absolutely stunning, her fluffy pink hair, her smile that brightened the room, absolutely incredible, and you couldn't believe she was yours.

"Don't stare so hard. It's embarrassing." She huffed, covering her face. You didn't think Mina could get flustered, but there it was as she straddled your lap with a look of embarrassment on her beautiful features.

"I'm sorry, Mina, I just..." Your words trailed off because, to be honest, you weren't really sorry. You loved admiring her.

Mina kissed you softly on the cheek and pulled back, a little smile playing at her lips. "I like that you like looking at me. It makes me feel good."

You blushed, suddenly feeling shy. You grabbed her waist, caressing her curves gently and taking in her figure as best you could. Mina sighed and leaned into your touch, giving herself over completely. She was incredibly soft, but firm and supple. Your hands went further up her thighs and down her hips.

"Mina, I want you."

Mina bit her lip nervously. The gears turned in her head and she squirmed on top of you, only adding to your arousal. Her gorgeous eyes locked onto yours, and she slowly started grinding against you. You moved your hands from her waist to her breasts and were surprised by how responsive she was when she gasped at your touch. You pinched her nipples between your fingers, eliciting another gasp from her that quickly turned to a whimper.

You continued rubbing and squeezing her breasts, enjoying the fullness of them as they strained against your hands.

"Do you like that? Do you like being teased?"


"Good. Do you want my hand to go lower?"

She nodded vigorously and gasped again when your hand slid beneath her panties.

Your thumb brushed along her clit, sending electric sparks through her body. Mina shuddered in response, which earned you another nod. You smiled and pressed two fingers inside of her, exploring all of the tight nooks and crannies within her. Mina began moving faster against your hand.

"Slowly, baby, I'm not going anywhere." You chuckle as you caressed her face, watching it twist in pleasure. It was almost hypnotic the way she moved and swayed at your touch. "You have me right where you want me, baby."

The way she gasped and moaned was driving you wild with lust. She sighed and rocked harder against you, making it clear that your hand wasn't enough to satisfy her.

A grin spread across your face as you decided to go for broke. You pushed her down and slowly worked your way from her neck to her pussy, kissing every inch of skin you came across. Mina jerked and trembled beneath you as you worked your way down.

When you finally reached the peak of her lips, your tongue slid easily into her wet warmth. She tasted amazing and you loved that you could feel her soaking wetness dripping down your chin.
Mina groaned softly and wrapped her legs around your head, trying to force your mouth deeper inside of her.

You held onto her thighs tightly with both hands and gave a quick flick of your tongue before flicking it back in again. Mina began moving faster against you, her moans filling your ears. With every stroke she made, she would come closer to an orgasm. Every time your tongue licked up the valley between her lips or tickled her clit, she let out another loud moan. You knew what was coming next but kept on teasing her until she couldn't take it anymore.

As soon as she screamed out your name, her body shook as her juices flooded down your throat. Mina's legs relaxed against your head, panting heavily. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she regained her breath and tried to calm herself down. You removed your tongue from her, and sat up slowly, licking your lips with a smile on your face.

"Well, wasn't that fun?" you asked her playfully, looking down at her and rubbing her thigh.

Mina's face turned red as she blushed furiously, which only fueled your own desires further. It was going to be a long night, but you were already looking forward to it.

Word Count: 706

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