🍋 Intimacy (Nemuri x Reader)

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You took a deep breath, the sound of her heels sending shivers of anticipation down your spine as she walked closer to you, filling the space between you with every long step. A smile crept across your face as her hand caressed your cheek. You were hers now...

"My, my, what a treat for my eyes." She sighed as she saw you struggling against the constraints that bind you to your seat.

You felt her weight as she sat on your lap, her lips softly kissing yours, engulfing you.

"You're just so cute." She cooed, caressing your hair and running her hands over your skin. "Not one part I dislike."

Her hands trailed from your hands, up your arms, and soon she was lightly massaging your shoulders as she trailed kisses down your jaw to your collarbone. Your body quivered at the touch of her soft lips.

"So beautiful..." she whispered.

With your mind filled with her scent and voice, you find it difficult to think coherently, but somehow, you managed to muster enough willpower to speak.

"I'll do anything for you..."

She continued to kiss your neck and ran her nails along your chest, eliciting an involuntary moan from you.

"Oh darling, I know you would," a sweet sigh escaped her lips, "but tonight isn't about me." She stands up from your lap. The cold air hits you like a blast. Mindlessly, you pulled against your restraints to try and reach for her. A frustrated groan escaping your mouth. Her scent still lingers in your nostrils.

"Oh darling, look at you. You really are helpless, aren't you?" She taunted in a silky voice, eyeing your expression carefully.

You felt the air move as she kneeled in front of you, making quick work of untying the rope around your wrists and ankles. Massaging any spots that may be sore, she knew exactly what she was doing to you.

Slowly, her hands slipped into your pants, pushing them down below your knees. And there you were, completely exposed before her. But instead of leaving, she continued to gently massage your thighs, making you squirm under her expert touch.

"This is a wonderful view." She mused. She traced her fingers along your legs, finally stopping when she reached your underwear. Her fingertips moved over your inner thigh, stopping right above where you thought she might slip a finger inside. The desire grew within you as you waited for her next move.

"Nemuri, please." You begged, yearning for something else than a teasing touch. Something more intense. But she had other plans. Instead, she rubbed the material gently, tracing patterns with her fingers. The feel of her hand against your sensitive skin caused your arousal to skyrocket. You writhed against har hand as she teased you further.

"Look at you." She said seductively, standing up and moving behind you. "It's been too long since I last saw you in this position." She kissed your shoulder, biting lightly and nipping the flesh. You were about to protest, but she silenced you with a soft kiss on your lips. "Mmm... What an eager little kitten." She whispered in your ear, causing shivers to run through your body.

You could only moan softly. "Don't worry, you'll get some relief soon enough." With that, she pushed her fingers between your legs, reaching deep into your most intimate area. Gently, she started rubbing, knowing just how to push you over the edge. Her chest pressed against your back and every stroke, making you feel closer and closer to orgasm, all the while she played with your hair, slowly stroking her nails across your scalp.

"How does it feel to be mine?" She breathed heavily into your ear. You could feel the lust rolling off her in waves. Her hand kept stroking you, adding pressure as she watched you rock and squirm under her touch. The warmth inside you became so intense, burning your insides and spreading throughout your entire body.

"Tell me you're mine." She demanded softly. This wasn't a question you could deny. It filled your head. Her sweet smell fills your nose, causing goosebumps to raise up on your arms and your back.

"I'm yours." You pant, your muscles tensed involuntarily, quivering as you began to come. Her lips captured yours once again, her tongue invading your mouth. Making sure you felt every sensation she could give you. "Please, never stop touching me..." You whisper into her mouth, pulling her tighter against you.

She didn't say anything, only kissing you again. Your heart raced wildly until finally you felt her remove your blindfold.

"Look at me." She commanded softly, watching your eyes. Slowly, she removed herself from you and let you gaze upon her. All of the desire you saw was mirrored back in your eyes. Your hands immediately moved towards her, caressing every inch of her skin, wanting nothing more than to bring her pleasure like she had done for you.

She grabbed your wrists, holding them down in front of you. She smiled gently, loving the way your eyes shone with excitement. Taking another step back, she led you from the chair to the bed. Pushing you onto your back, leaving your arms above your head. She stared down at you, her hips thrusting forward slightly. "Do you know why I took your hands away?" She asked teasingly.

"Because....it's not about you tonight?" You replied quietly, knowing full well it was. Her expression softened as she bent over, taking one of your nipples into her mouth. Running her tongue around the edge before slowly sucking on it, biting it lightly. You groaned loudly, your body arching off the bed, trying to press her closer.

Releasing you nipple, she grinned wickedly, and then licked a path down your chest, stopping at your belly button, where she took a long drag of air, blowing across the trail she made, leaving a chill behind.

As she worked her way lower, her lips gently parted, exposing your most intimate part to her hungry mouth.

"Please..." You whimpered again, not able to stop yourself, wanting her to continue what she was doing.

"You're very naughty, aren't you?" She whispered against you, her warm breath fanning out across your exposed flesh. "Tell me how much you want this."

"Ahhh..." Was all you could say, your head thrown back as your orgasm hit you. And then another. No part of your body was left untouched by her talented tongue. Your eyes clenched shut as waves after waves crashed over you, causing you to let out soft whimpers, her attentions keeping you in an almost constant state of arousal.

Finally, when the pleasure started to fade, she pulled away from you, licking her lips hungrily, making you shiver with anticipation. Without thinking you grabbed you, flipping her on her back, kneeling between her thighs, the look of shock on her face only served to motivate you, loving the look of passion and lust shining through her eyes.

"My turn." You said softly, a devilish smile playing across your face as you leaned forward, burying your face between her legs, tasting her sweet juices on her swollen clit.

It took her a moment to respond, unable to form words. But then a throaty moan broke the silence as you slipped two fingers inside her. Her hands coming up to grab your hair tightly, pulling you even closer. She arched up towards you, encouraging you to go further. You obliged, feeling her tight walls squeeze your fingers, causing her to cry out in ecstasy.

Then without warning you withdrew your fingers, licking them clean. The smile that spread across your face was obvious as you saw her eyes widen at the sight. Then slowly, ever so slowly, you leaned down, pressing a kiss onto her soaking wet pussy, making her hips buck upwards.

"Mmmm... Oh god.. I'm gonna cum!" She cried out, pleading with you to keep going. She didn't need to ask twice though, as soon as you'd pressed another kiss onto her throbbing clit, she erupted into a fit of ecstatic orgasms, bucking up against your mouth until she was spent.

You lapped up every last drop of her cum, reveling in the taste of her. You continued working her until she was completely satisfied, pulling away reluctantly. The heavy thud of her heart filling the room. "That was..." Her voice trailed off, her cheeks flushed bright blue, eyes glazed over.

Your eyes flicked up, meeting hers, a playful smirk on your lips. "A good start." You said huskily, reaching up, placing your hand on her cheek, thumb gently stroking her jawline.

"I think it's gonna be a long night." You teased.

She didn't miss a beat, throwing her arms around your neck and pulling you down for a deep kiss.

"A long night indeed."

Word Count: 1473

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