🍋 Morning Quickie (Denki x Female!Reader)

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

You snooze your alarm. "5 more minutes." You mutter already rubbing your eyes to try and wake up. You felt your boyfriend rolling over to hold you, giving you light kisses on your cheek. "You aren't helping Denki, it just makes me wanna stay in bed." You whined, his warmth spreading over you.

"Sorry, I can't help it." He sighed giving you one more kiss before he left the bed.

Beep. Bee-

The snooze was over but you lingered in bed just a little longer, scrolling through your phone to try and mentally wake up a bit more. You could hear the water running as he started getting ready for the day.

When he was done he crawled on top of you and rested his his head just below your chest.

"Hey baby." You murmur, mindlessly playing with his hair. You put your phone down, finally awake enough to start your own day but he didn't get up. Instead he moved to kiss your lips, sweet and passionate. You could feel his hands wander your body as he slowly got on his knees, you hadnt noticed before that he was already half naked. His fingers hooked into the waistband of your shorts, pulling them off and exposing you to the chill of the room.

"Commando huh? I like it." He chuckled.

"Baby!" You laugh as he caressed your body, lifting your legs to wrap around him. "Come on I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!" You tried to push him off but he didn't budge, only shrugging as he kissed you again, his hardened member rubbing against you. "Really babe?" You feign annoyance, soft moans escaping between words.

"I can't help it. You're just so sexy, and it's been awhile." He smiled but you could only roll your eyes as you caressed his cheek. He leaned into your touch, kissing your hand before leaning down into the curve of your neck, his warm breath tickling you.

Your hands wandered, from his shoulders down his back and to his waist. You whispered I love you's as he grinded against you, making you wet before he adjusted and pushed into you. You both sighed contentedly, his movements were slow but deep, small grunts escaping his lips as you whimpered under him.

You kissed a trail from his cheek down to his neck before nipping and leaving small marks. He trusted a few more times before pulling out, grunting in annoyance, he was close.

"Already?" You sighed playfully, squirming and the sudden loss of friction.

"It's just too fucking good." He sounded apologetic. "I don't want it to end already." He had two fingers against your entrance, covering them in your slickness before fingering you. Earning a gasp from you.

He knew all the right places to reach that drove you crazy, tension building up in your stomach as he curled his fingers inside, thumb lazily drawing circles against your clit, his other hand occupied stroking himself.

He was relentless, watching your back arch and body twitch as he got you closer. His name coming like a chant from your lips.

"Baby, I'm close-" You cried grabbing at him trying to pull him close as he slammed back into you, his rhythm sloppy and uneven. You rocked your hips trying to keep time with his thrusts, the knot in your stomach growing tighter and tighter. 'I love you's and praises escaping his lips as you bit his shoulder to try and keep quiet.

The knot finally snapping, your nails dug into his shoulder blades, you could see white. He helped you ride out the high as much as he could but you tightening around him pushed him over the edge. Nuzzling into the crook of your neck his thrust were erratic before he finally finished, warmth filling you as you felt him still twitching inside.

You sighed, content but now more tired than when you woke up. Denki grabbed himself a clean pair of boxers before getting dressed and kissing your forehead.

"It's a good thing you're off today." He grinned, proud of the mess he made of you. He finished getting ready, calling out to you before he was out the door. "There's gonna be more of that tonight, so be ready!"


And he was gone, you wanted nothing more than to curl up and go back to sleep but you got up to clean yourself up and get ready fir the day, already excited for what was coming next.

Word Count: 752

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