🌟🍋 Testing the Waters (Kendo x Female!Reader)

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*♡request for KimSeoyoon777♡*

It's just another day in your dorm room. You're lying on your bed. Procrastinating on your homework as usual, when your roommate Kendo strolls in, a mischievous glint in her eye. You can't help but wonder what she's up to today.

"Hey, you," she smiles, plonking herself down on her bed. You glance up at her from your computer screen, a tiny frown creasing your forehead. "So, have you ever, you know..." She trails off, gesturing vaguely between the two of you, her cheeks flushing slightly. "You know. With another person."

You feel a blush creep up your own neck. "Uh, well..." You know what she's getting at, but you're not really sure how to answer. You're not sure about your sexuality, and the thought of admitting that to your roommate is...well, a bit daunting. But she doesn't leave you much of a choice.

"Come here," Kendo says, patting the bed next to her. "I've got a few ideas." You hesitate for a moment, but something in her eyes makes you want to trust her. You climb onto the bed and nestle yourself against her side, feeling the warmth of her skin through your clothes. Her arm slips around your shoulders, drawing you closer, and you let out a small sigh of contentment.

Kendo's fingers trail lightly up and down your arm, making you tense up. "Just relax," she whispers, her breath hot against your ear. "We'll take it slow first." She leans in closer, her lips brushing against yours, and your heart starts to race. The kiss is soft and gentle, her tongue darting out to tease your lips. You feel a surge of desire course through you as she deepens the kiss, her hand moving up to cradle your cheek.

Her free hand finds its way beneath your shirt, you arch into her touch, unable to help yourself. She smiles against your lips, her fingers moving higher, teasing the edge of your bra. With a practiced motion, she undoes the clasp and pulls the cupped fabric away, revealing your nipple to the cool air. You let out a moan as she circles it with her thumb, and she chuckles softly, delighting in your reaction.

"So, what do you think?" she asks, her voice low and seductive. "Do you like that?" You can barely form the words, but you manage to nod, your eyes closed tightly as she continues to tease your sensitive flesh. Her hand moves lower, slipping beneath your shorts, and you gasp as she touches you, finding you already wet and eager for more.

"Oh, I think you do." She breathes, and you feel a shiver of pleasure course through you at her words.

Kendo leans back slightly, her gaze fixed on your face as she begins to stroke you slowly, her fingers curling and uncurling in a rhythm that feels so good it's almost unbearable. You arch into her touch, pressing yourself against her hand, wanting more. She watches you intently, her eyes darkening with desire, and you can feel the power she has over you, the control she exerts with nothing more than her touch.

"You know," she whispers, "you can touch me too." Her other hand moves down, resting on your hip, guiding you closer. You obey without hesitation, leaning forward to stroke her through her pants, feeling the warmth of her body against your fingertips. She moans softly, her hips bucking into your touch, and you're suddenly overcome with a sense of urgency, the need to make her feel as good as she's making you feel.

You slip a finger beneath the elastic of her underwear, feeling the softness of her skin. She's wet and ready, and you begin to stroke her in time with your own desire, mirroring her movements as you both seek release. Her hand on your hip digs in, urging you on, and you respond, thrusting harder into her palm. Her lips find yours again, and you lose yourself in the kiss, the taste of her, the feel of her skin beneath your fingers.

The sensations build and build until you're both trembling on the edge, every muscle taut with need. Kendo pulls away from the kiss, breathing heavily, and looks down at you. "You're so beautiful," she whispers, her voice thick with desire. "I've never wanted anyone like this." Her hips arch off the bed, and you feel her body tense, her muscles clenching around your fingers. She lets out a long, shuddering moan, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

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