💌 Lasertag (Jirou x Reader)

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You sat in your apartment with your girlfriend and squad bored out of your minds.

"Man, we should've done a beach trip." Denki yawned as he flipped through channels on TV.

"I just want to do something." Sero chuckled as he scrolled through his phone.

"What even is there to do?" Jirou asked as she ran her fingers through your hair. You were laying your head on her lap brainstorming when the idea hit you.

"What about lasertag!?" You shot up with renewed excitement. The group looked at you with suprise from the sudden outburst.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Sero agreed. "We could call some others to join too, at least for two teams."

It was agreed and set in motion, Sero reached out to Deku and his group, and everyone agreed to meet at a set time.

When everyone met up, Denki pulled out sticks from his pocket.

"We're gonna a draw for teams! If your stick has red at the tip, you're in team 1. If it's blank, you're on team 2."

He made his way around, and you watched as everyone drew. All you wanted was to be in the same group as Jirou. You weren't.

The teams were as follows:

Team 1 - Denki, Deku, Mina, Ochako, Iida, and you.

Team 2 - Sero, Jirou, Bakugo, Tsuyu, Todoroki, and Kirishima.

Everyone got their gear, their guns, and after instructions entered the blacklit 'warzone'. The game began, and the fight was on as you ran futher in. The music, along with the shouts and laughter of your friends, filled the room as shots fired all around you. Vests would shine red where someone got hit and would mark a point for the other team.

Dodging what you could you still got hit, but your team fought back hard. Iida was great at avoiding getting shot but had terrible aim, Mina stayed with him. Ochako was surprisingly aggressive and stuck with Denki, and Deku stuck together with you, covering eachothers backs. There was no real plan, just the want to win, but soon Bakugo was on Deku's tail, and you were alone. You tried to move, but someone was then in front of you with a gun aimed. Your heart skipped a beat as they shouted at you.

"Watch it!" It was Ochako. You ducked down as she took a shot, hitting Sero, who was trying to sneak up and getting your team another point. "We're tied up for points now. Get moving!"

Everyone was into it, and you scurried away. You saw a glimpse of Jirou and gave chase. She tried to lose you only to get backed into a wall. When she pointed her gun, you grabbed it, pinning it above her head. Both out of breath, you looked into her eyes before kissing her. At first, she fought it, trying to get her gun back but slowly gave in, kissing you back.


The lights on her vest flashed, and she pushed you away.

"You shot me!?" She was flustered but mostly mad, and all you could do was smirk and stick your tongue out, the board above showing your team won by one point.

"It was for the win, babe!" You laughed as she lightly punched your shoulder.

"Good game." She laughed, everyone still buzzing from the excitement and shuffling out. "Next time, I'm going to take you down." She nodded.

"Hell yeah." You replied, punching your fist into the air. "Now we can celebrate, right?"

She smiled.

"Definitely." She nodded as you followed the rest of your team.

Word Count: 595

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