🍋 Carnal (Tenya x Reader)

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You sat next to your superior, slowly sipping your beer as your coworkers drank and ate the night away. You weren't big on work dinner parties, but you came for one man.

Tenya Iida.

He wasn't flashy or sexy, just kind of handsome. His hair was neat, and dark and though he wore glasses sometimes you could see the deep blue in his eyes. He always looked so calm, with that cold and logical look on his face. Like a god among men.

He noticed how you stared but shook the thought away as he listened to the others, his eyes occasionally drifting to where you sat. There was something in the way you held yourself, the way you looked away if your eyes met that got a rise out of him.

A deep growl escaped his throat, causing a few heads to turn towards him, he faked a cough, pretending he hadn't been daydreaming. He had never really considered going after you, it seemed like a bad idea... After all, he was your superior, what if someone caught you?

His gaze strayed back to you, a small smirk on his lips, you averted your gaze as you began playing with your glass again. When he finally got up from the table, his hand softly caressed yours before leaving. A faint shiver ran down your spine, you'd felt something for him even if you didn't know what it was. And the thing about feelings is that they don't go away.

"I may call it a night." You sigh with a smile. "Don't want to miss the last train." You smile sweetly as others complain of you leaving but still wish you well in the end. As you stroll through the streets you hear steps quickly catching up to you.

"Hey!" You tensed realizing it was your boss. You turned to see what was wrong as he slowed down. "It wouldn't be right to let you walk alone this late."

You had to hide the smile that crept onto your lips. "That's not necessary sir." You say coyly looking up at him, the streetlights shining brightly against his white shirt making him appear brighter than usual.

"I'm sorry... I have a habit of acting without thinking..." He muttered, ruffling his hair slightly. "But I couldn't bear the thought of letting you walk home alone tonight."

"Okay." You smiled gently. "If you insist."

As you walked together you learnt more about him, his personal interests even about his brother. It felt like a first date as you enjoyed his company, the station growing closer with each step.

You couldn't miss this chance, when would you be able to speak freely with him like this?

"Tenya..." You started, the words catching in your throat as he looked at you.

Suddenly he was there in front of you, the palms of his hand softly brushing across your cheek.

"You'd like me to kiss you, wouldn't you?" He whispered seductively into your ear.

Your eyes widened in surprise, his gentle touch made your skin tingle and every part of you wanted him.

You nodded slowly, scared of what was about to happen but also very excited.

"Mmm..." He said pulling you closer, his lips pressing lightly to yours as his tongue traced along your bottom lip, tempting you. The taste of sake lingered on his lips as he took control, deepening the kiss. You found yourself leaning into him, parting your lips to welcome his tongue.

Slowly your mind left your body, the sounds of the city only audible to you as you slipped further under the intoxicating spell he cast over you.

"Tenya..." You gasped breathlessly as he pulled away, running a hand through his hair.

You could feel heat rising in your cheeks as you tried to catch your breath.

"We should get you to the station..." He muttered disappointedly, he held your hand as he continued forward.

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