🍋 Dare (Mirio x Female!Reader)

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A simple game of truth or dare seemed like an easy thing to pass the time, drinks were flowing, and so was everyone's mind. Just some harmless teasing and nothing else until a few rounds in. You were more bubbly than usual and the game slowly became more pervy.

"Truth or dare?" They asked as you sipped on your drink. You thought about it for a second but shrugged it off.

"Truth." You slurred as you spoke.

You waited expectantly for the consequences.

"Who do you have the hots for?" They asked innocently, making you frown slightly as you had hoped it would be something else. "Like, who would you wanna fuck?" They corrected. Your face reddened at the thought, no one knew how much of a pervert you really were, and the person of your thoughts was sitting in the group with the rest of them, Mirio.

"I fucked up. I wanted dare." You quickly said, "Can we start over?" Everyone looked around curiously at each other before chuckling a little and shaking their heads.

"Alright then... I dare you to tell us who you wanna fuck." Mina chirped out excitedly. You glared at her as she laughed. You glanced at Mirio briefly before taking a deep breath and finishing your drink, blushing harder than ever as you stared down at your empty glass.

"Mirio..." Oohs and ahhs filled the room as you died on the inside. Looking up you saw he was grinning ear to ear, his eyes twinkling in amusement. And just like that the truth games ended and they decided to call it a night.

You tried to make your escape without any incident, but your body wouldn't move from where you were , placed against the wall. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist while another set of hands grabbed your chin and turned you back to face him.

"Why are you running away from me? I want to talk to you." He whispered softly. You couldn't stop yourself from blushing. His voice sounded so smooth and so sexy. He gently ran his thumb along your cheekbone and traced the outline of your lips. His grip tightened as his fingers reached behind your head, pulling you closer. You could feel his hot breath on your neck as his soft kisses trailed down your neck.

"We can talk when we're sober..." You tried to resist but he had all of your attention right now. You shifted a bit trying to get away but he didn't budge.

"Now I've only a beer." He chuckled, his breath tickling your ear. "But you're right, we should probably wait till morning." He started to back away from you but stopped when he felt you gripping his sleeve. You couldn't look him in the eye, but you didn't want to risk missing the opportunity to talk with him. He must've noticed the worry on your face because he paused in his movement.

"Don't think about it too much." He reassured you and continued walking towards the door with you in tow. He pulled the handle and opened the door slightly before pausing again and turning around. Your heart skipped a beat as he smiled at you with those pretty blue eyes of his and raised his eyebrows as if asking you if this was what you wanted. Without hesitation you nodded and took a step forward, wanting nothing more.

He closed the door and led you into the hallway, grabbing you by the hand and quickly ushering you down the stairs. The other guests seemed to be far less interested in the two of you as you walked by them unnoticed. You were thankful to be invisible after what you had to reveal, but your heart pounded with every step that lead to his dorm.

As soon as the door shut behind you he released your hand, bringing his hands up to cup your cheeks. With one swift motion he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, forcefully taking over your mouth. You were weak in the knees but he caught you, and lead you to his bed.

My Lover Academia: MHA x Reader [Requests OPEN!]Where stories live. Discover now