🌟💌 Warm (Bakugo x Male!Reader)

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*♡request for Froppyjvvmjyh57♡*

The world around you was a swirling blur, your laughter mingling with the sound of sizzling oil as Bakugo attempted to cook a meal in the kitchen. The alcohol had loosened your inhibitions, and you found yourself longing to be near him.

You stumbled towards the kitchen, your body colliding with the counter. You gripped it tightly, your knuckles turning white. A warm hand gently lifted you upright.

"Easy, idiot." His usual fiery demeanor was tempered with a hint of concern. "What're you doing, getting so wasted?"

You opened your mouth to reply, but only a pitiful whine escaped. You clung to him like a lifeline, your body swaying precariously.

"Tch." Bakugo clicked his tongue. "You're a mess." He placed a firm hand on your back and guided you over to the couch, sitting you down with a gentle pat. "Stay here and rest. I'll finish making dinner."

"Nooo!" You protested, wanting to keep holding him.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his gaze. "Fine. But if you puke on the floor, I'm throwing you out."

"I won't. Promise." You laughed.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow. "Sure you won't." He walked back to the stove, his muscles rippling beneath his tight shirt.

You stumbled to your feet and followed him into the kitchen. As he began cooking, you swayed unsteadily, your limbs threatening to betray you.

"Don't go anywhere," you slurred, pressing your cheek against his arm. "I need you."

Bakugo let out a humorless laugh. "Yeah, because I'm so essential to your existence."

You frowned, the alcohol making it difficult to concentrate. "You are. You're my favorite person."

As the pork sizzles in the pan, filling the air with an intoxicating aroma, you draw closer to Bakugo, your drunken mind filled with an inexplicable desire to just be near him. Your hand finds his, and you squeeze it gently.

He tenses, his eyes flicking to yours. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I like..." You murmur, your words thick with alcohol. "I like being near you, Bakugo."

A snort escapes him. "That's the alcohol talking."

"I do," you insist, your voice growing louder. "I like the way you smell... The way you look..."

A dark blush stains Bakugo's cheeks. "Shut up, idiot. This is embarrassing."

Despite his protests, you continue to pour out your drunken affections. He doesn't respond, but the rigid set of his shoulders begins to soften.

When the katsudon is finally ready, he sits you down at the table, taking a spot next to you.

"Eat slowly," he says, his voice rough. "You get sick, I'm sure, as hell not cleaning it up." His words seem harsh, but underneath, you know he's looking out for you. You nod, feeling the warmth spread from your cheeks to the rest of your face.

You eat slowly, savoring every bite. The food tastes amazing, and you're grateful for the warmth it brings to your stomach.

As you finish up, he reaches over and takes your plate. "Well, that looked like it hit the spot." he says, looking pleased.

You watched as he walked away, his long strides eating up the ground. In spite of how drunk you were, the intoxication couldn't obscure the swell of pleasure in your chest at the sight of him.

"Thank you, Bakugo..." You mumble, still a bit tipsy. The warmth from the food and the alcohol are starting to make your eyelids feel heavy. You blink a few times, trying to focus on his face. He looks... different when he's not yelling at you. There's a tenderness to his features that you never noticed before.

He returns with a glass of water, setting it down in front of you. "You should drink this," he says firmly. "You're going to need to sober up."

You nod, your eyelids feeling heavier by the second. You take a sip of the water, feeling its coolness wash down your throat.

He takes a sips from his own glass of water, watching you carefully. His expression softens. "You know, you're not so bad when you aren't being a piece of shit." He says it so casually, but there's something in the way he looks at you that makes your heart skip a beat.

"You're not so bad yourself, Bakugo." You smile, feeling a blush creep up. He smirks at your reaction and leans in closer.

"Really?" he asks, his voice low and husky. "Because I feel like I could show you just how bad I can be..."

His words send a shiver down your spine, and you can't help but lean closer. He's so close now. You can feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. You know this is a dangerous game, but you can't help but want to see where it leads.

With a slow, deliberate movement, he reaches up and cups your cheek in his hand. His thumb brushes against your lips, and for a moment, you think he's going to kiss you. But instead, he pulls back just enough to gaze into your eyes.

His expression is intense, his breath hot against your skin. You can feel the desire building between you. He leans in closer, your noses barely touching, and whispers, "Tell me the truth, do you want me to kiss you?"

You can't help but nod. His face breaks into a smirk, and he lets out a small, satisfied sigh. He tilts your head back and closes the distance between you. His lips are soft and warm.

Time seems to stand still as he kisses you. His hands cup your face, cradling it gently, but just as soon as the kiss starts, it ends. He pulls back, his lips lingering on yours for a few more seconds before pulling away completely.

A pathetic whine escapes you. He chuckles, knowing what you want from him, and leans down once again, quick and sweet.

"Nothing more tonight. You're drunk." His voice is gentle, almost amused as he pulls away from your lips. It's a surprisingly soft tone, one that you've never heard him use before. "I'm not going anywhere." He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, before you could try to protest.

You sighed in defeat, your eyelids continuing to betray you as they refused to stay open. He lifted you like it was nothing, taking you to the room.

"Just sleep it off, idiot. I'll be here when you wake up." He whispers, gently laying you down on the bed. He climbs in beside you, pulling the covers up to your chin. Even though you're both fully clothed, it feels like he's cocooning you in his warmth. You close your eyes, feeling the weight of the exhaustion finally dragging you under.

Word Count: 1126

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