🍋 Rope Bunny (Sero x Reader x Shinso)

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"Shinso, that's taking way too long." Sero sighed, waiting for his turn. Shinso responded with only a low grunt as his hands worked. You tried to stay still, but the feeling of his fingers barely brushing against you and the slow tightening of the rope around your body had you a bothered mess.

"Shibari is about the journey, Sero," Shinso glanced at him momentarily, it's not just about the destination."

The incense filled your nostrils with every breath, the scent making you feel relaxed.

"It's a form of bondage all the same dude." Sero scoffed defensively. "What I do is still a matter of trust and communication, along with her arousal from the restrictions."

Shinso almost snapped back, but you cut him off.

"Guys..." You whimpered, face flushed as Shinso finished up. "I like both ways, it's why I wanted... to mix it up." Shinso turned away from you and motioned Sero over who did the knotting of the silk cords.

"I did my part." He looked over at you, admiring how you looked wrapped in his art. The rope sat snuggly, accentuating your body. With your hands tied behind your back, he left your legs untouched.

Sero took a spot next to you, checking the work, tugging it upward, silently asking for you to stand.With some help, you stood, waiting for what was next. Sero then went behind you, tugging at the binding on your back.

"Hate to admit it, but it's amazing work." Sero chuckled as he worked. You felt something hook you at the back before he started working on your legs. "Now, can you bend this one for me?"

You did so, and he helped hold it, making sure you were still able to keep balance. "Tells us if anything hurts."

"Of course." You respond breathlessly as he started to bind your leg. You could feel each move his hands made against your skin. It sent tingles through your body. You squirmed around, trying to see his work.

"Does it hurt?"

"N-no!" You panted, you leaned forward as best as you could, trying to get a glimpse of the artwork. Sero just laughed and let go, walking around you. Your eyes met, and he grinned at you. You returned the grin before going into panic mode. "How am I supposed to stay like this?"

"You won't." Shinso chimed in. "We tied you up for suspension." He smirked lazily as he watched you grow red. Sero then helped lift your second leg, and you could feel how the harness was supporting your weight. With your amazement, you almost missed how you were positioned, exposing yourself.

"Don't worry, we've got you." Sero laughed as he worked, finishing your other leg up. Your eyes widened when you realized it was holding you up.

"They look good, don't they?" Shinso smiled, noticing you were impressed with that they did. His cock pressed up against you, causing you to gasp in pleasure. "And now we're gonna fuck you in this position."

You whimpered, excitement evident in your voice.

"We'll go easy on you." Sero reassured you, his own erection pressing you from behind. "Just enjoy it while we're in control." He began to play with your chest, kneading as he pressed himself against you. Rolling your head to the side he took advantage and began nipping and kissing your neck wherever he could reach, one hand leaving your chest it slowly made its way down to your sweetspot. His hand against your sensitive flesh, making you groan and beg for more.

Shinso picked up where Sero left off, rubbing you before devouring you. Sero pinched and tugged on your nipple, Shinso kept teasing you, alternating between sucking and nibbling, before finally sticking two fingers inside you. You nearly lost it right there. But they pulled their hands away, bringing you back down to earth.

Your breathing became labored as they teased you once again, playing with your sensitive areas. Then, without warning they entered you simultaneously. You gasped loudly at first, the shock of feeling them filling you so deep made you cry out. Sero held you close, letting Shinso work. They alternated rhythm, pushing deeper inside you and pulling back, over and over until you couldn't take it anymore.

"FUCK!" You cried out, arching your back in ecstasy.

"Easy now." Shinso murmured. "Let us handle things." He continued thrusting inside you, teasing you by never breaking contact with your sensitive spots. Your hips began grinding against whoever theu could, wanting more. You cried out as Sero slid into you harder, every time pushed more into Shinso sending shivers down your spine, you wanted them both so badly.

"Give it to me." You begged. "Fuck me!"

"As you wish~" Sero chuckled, slapping your ass with his free hand, making you scream out. They continued thrusting into you. As they did, the pleasure began to overtake you, making your head spin.

You felt your muscles contract around them, almost painfully. But it was such a pleasurable pain. All three of you felt that way, your moans filling the room as each one drove into you over and over again. Your breathing grew ragged as all three of you reached climax together, shivering and twitching as Sero held onto your hips tightly, letting go just in time for your orgasm to subside.

It took some time for you to come down from your high, panting and dazed. When you finally were able to catch your breath, you looked up at Shinso. His purple hair was more messy than usual and there was a huge smirk on his face. He stroked your cheek lovingly, kissing you tenderly before whispering something into your ear.

The smell of sex filled the room and sweat covered every inch of your skin. The only thing left was to get you down.

Word Count: 974

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