🍋 Expeditionist (Denki x Female!Reader)

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He had you bent over the sink. You held on to it like your life depended on it. One of his hands smudging the mirror while the other ravished you. You couldn't help yourself, you reached back and cupped his erection in your hand.

He stiffled a groan in the crook of your neck, kissing and nipping as you rubbed.

"Aren't you supposed to be cleaning?" You laugh, the excitement of being in the restroom at his job making you giddy.

He stops and looks at you with amusement, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Just doing a quick sweep. Now come here." He grabs your hips and pulls you flush against him, slipping his hands down between your legs. "You're already wet for me, don't deny it." His breath tickles your ear.

The bathroom was 'closed for cleaning', the single sink being your anchor now that his hands played with you again, you felt nothing but blissful contentment.

"Denki please~" You whine with husky need.

He growls out, gripping your waist, kissing your neck just below your earlobe.

"Good thing you wore this dress for me." He whispers, pulling your panties down and pushing himself into you.

"Fuck, you're so tight."

Your hips are bucking against him, trying desperately to meet each thrust he gives you. His hand finding the mirror again it wiping away the the mist.

He smiles wickedly, before kissing you again. Your teeth grazing his lips playfully.

"My favorite place to be." He murmurs against your lips.

"You're such a perv." You say breathlessly.

"I'm not the only one." He says, grabbing your face and making you look in the reflection. Your face was flushed and it only served to fuel his lust, you looked so aroused right now. It made him want to make you feel even more.

His hand found your breast, cupping it softly and teasing the hardened nipple through the fabric of your bra.

"Show me how much you love my cock." He laughs quietly, before taking your mouth with his again, tongue dancing with yours.

"Then fuck me as harder." You beg.
"Such dirty talk, it turns me on." He whispered.

It was hard for you to focus because his touch sent electric currents through your body, every inch of you feeling heated up by his actions.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

His hand covered your mouth and you froze, eyes wide in fear as you clenched around him.

"Denki! You almost done in there?" It was his boss.

You wanted to push him away but his held onto you tightly, slowly thrusting like this wasn't a terrifying moment.

"I actually just started," he lied with a smirk, "I was finishing up some other tasks and just got in here, but no worries sir, I'llget it done." He looked at you with a coy expression before slamming into you, his hand stopping you from screaming out.

"Just get it done." His bossed huffed.

"Hnn...yes sir!" He grunted, thrusting again. You could hear the footsteps walking away.

Your legs were shaking, as he slowed down but you bit down on Denki's palm so he'd let go.

"Don't stop..." you whimpered, tears rolling down your cheek.

He kissed your lips lightly, moaning as he rocked inside of you.

"...oh, I'm not going anywhere...not with how tightly you'regripping me." he groaned, thrusting harder and faster now.

You felt something building in your body and pushed against him even more desperately. He didn't stop though. Instead he slid his hand over your chest and brought it between your legs, bringing it closer to your clit.

"Are you close...? Ahh fuck...I love when you come..." he moaned as he kept thrusting. The force of his thrusts grew and grew until your whole body trembled with each one. He kissed your neck, whispering things you couldn't understand.

"Mmmmmm!!" you bit your lip as you came hard, hot juices dripping down your inner thighs. His cock pulsed inside of you and suddenly he pulled out of you, the sudden emptiness almost making you cry.

You gasped for air as Denki's cum began leaking out of you, and he smiled softly. He grabbed some toilet paper and wiped up what he could of his cum before putting it in the toilet and flushing it away. "Now we need to sneak you out." he said with a laugh.

You looked down at yourself, disheveled, and felt your stomach had begun to turn. You were embarrassed and hoped no one would see you like this...

Word Count: 755

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