🖤💌 Reconcile (Shinso x Reader)

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King💣Murder :It's over.

You read that message over and over again. It'd been a few weeks, and all you could do was stare at the screen. No amount of typing could summarize what you wanted to say, all that time, wasted away with someone who couldn't even say it to your face.

You got out of bed and forced yourself to go for a run. It was the only thing that helped ease the pain in your chest. The crisp air filled your lungs as you stepped out, putting your headphones buds in before throwing your hood up. Playing something heavy, you began to jog. The beat of the drums helping you keep a steady pace and the lyrics screaming out the anger you kept inside.

Thoughts collected in your mind as you ran, tears pricking your eyes. You ignored a lot of the pain, the muscles in your legs burning with every stride.


You didn't realize someone was in front of you and feel on your ass.

"Whoa, you gotta watch out." They chuckled, picking themselves up.

"Sorry," you huffed, trying to catch your breath. "I must've zoned out running." You tried to get yourself up, but your legs were jelly.

"It's all good." His voice was calm. He reached a hand out to you, and you gladly took it. Struggling to stay on your feet, you peer from under your hood to see a familiar head of purple hair.

"Shinso?" He looked confused hearing his name from you, and you had to laugh. "It's me." You pulled your hood off, watching his eyes widen in realization.

"Oh shit! I didn't know you were still around. How's it been?" He smiled.

"I've been better, I guess, but I'm breathing." You muster up a chuckle.

"I can understand that. How's Bakugo? You guys were dating, right?"

Your heart sank. You wanted to curl up in a ball and just disappear.

"We um..." You were clamming up, and without realizing it, you squeezed Shinso's hand like it was going to help ground you.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't any of my business." He gave you a small squeeze back, trying his best to comfort you. "You okay to head home?" He glanced at your legs, still wobbling like a newborn giraffe. "I could help, plus it'd be nice to catch up."

You hadn't really done much since the break up, and you didn't want to go home alone. You nodded your head and tried to lead the way.
For the most part, you walked in silence, still holding his hand, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Do you remember how we used to walk like this sharing earbuds on the way home?" He broke the silence, pointing at your headphones. They fell out when you ran into him, and you just never put them back in.

Putting one in your ear you music greeted you, it had been playing the entire time, you offered him the other bud, and he took it without hesitation, like he always did, welcoming your music gladly.

"Dude... this is divorced dad music. Who hurt you?" He laughed before realizing what he had just asked. "Sorry that was..."

"It's fine." You sigh, looking up at the sky. "I'll get over it and move on eventually. It's just hard after being with the asshole for years."

You chatted, walking slowly to savor the time. Reminiscing and trying to figure out why you hadn't spoken in years. It all flew by, and you were home. He walked you all the way to the door and waited for whatever song to finish playing.

"This was...nice." You wrapped your headphones up before pulling your key out.

"It was, I'm glad I ran into you...or you to me." He smiled.

You unlocked the door and started to head in, glancing back and watching him walk away. Something pulled at your heart, and you didn't want to let it go.

"Hey!" You called out to him, watching him turn around. You smiled bashfully. "Would you like to come in for some tea?"

Word Count: 684

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