🍋 Workload (Kirishima x Reader)

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"Group projects are the worst." You groan stretching out to ease the pain from sitting for so long. You closed your laptop after saving and turned to see how your partner was going.

"Why don't we take a break?" Kirishima sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We can only do so much since the other two ditched us.

"I hate that you're right." You said bitterly, looking at where the rest of the group should've been. "Where did they even go?" You both checked your phones.

"One of them texted me that he wasn't feeling well."

"And the other said she was going to help take care of him." You huff, tossing your phone on the bed.

"Well, I guess that's nice of her."

"Oh dude no, they're dating. They split to go on a date or fuck. Hell maybe both, while we do the work." You grumble rubbing your temples to try and keep calm.

"Oh." His eyes grew wide, looking at his hands awkwardly.

"It's fine, I know they'll pull through but still pisses me off." You sat on the floor next to him with a thud, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Glad I have you in the group though. Don't know what I'd do without you."

"Why don't we call it a night and order some food?" He suggested. "Food might help our mood, and we've done all we can without them."

"Pizza?" You ask.

"Hell yea, pizza." He smiled, already dialing.

You closed your eyes for a second, trying to keep from straining them. Listening as he got up and ordered the food, your stomach growling in response. You didn't realize how long you'd been working. Soon he sat back down and you took the opportunity to lay on his lap, making him jump a little.

"Whoa, you okay." He played with your hair almost instinctively.

"Mhmm. Just resting my eyes." You smile content at the feeling of his hands playing with your hair, a small moan escaping. You felt him stop suddenly, your eyes opening in shock at the sudden awareness of what came out of your mouth and the growing bulge you felt under you. You sat up as fast as you could, clearing your throat at the sudden awkwardness you felt. "Sorry," you couldn't look him in the eyes, red eyes burning a hole into you, "it felt nice, like a massage." You tried to explain.

"No worries bro, I gotcha." He chuckled, turning away to hide the pink of his cheeks.

Knock. Knock.

"And that my dude, is our food." He scrambled up, adjusting himself before opening your apartment door. The smell of food making your stomach growl louder.

"Let's dig in before my stomach tried to eat itself." You laugh, clearing off the work you had on the table so he could put the food down. "I'll grab some beers."

You crawled over to your mini fridge, letting the cold air hit your face as you grabbed drinks. Not noticing that he was watching, staring at your ass and the way your back was arching. You threw on a show for background noise, you both guessing plot twists while eating. Beer after beer slowly making you feel fuzzy and body warm.

At some point Kirishima moved and sat at the edge of your bed, you stayed on the floor. The show being more interesting than you thought. Until a screen started and two character were having sex in a bathroom stall.

"It just isn't a thriller without a sex scene right?" He laughed awkwardly, shifting on your bed.

"Yea I guess, but with what's going on around them it's just weird." You lean back. You look up at him and notice he seemed almost uncomfortable, eyes wandering down you notice him trying to hide his boner. "But you seem to be enjoying it, hm?" You joke lightly.

"Sorry," he snapped his leg closed, "let me just-" He tried to get up but you were quicker, holding him by his thighs before spreading his legs open again.

You palmed the growing tent, watching him twitch from your touch. Stroking his clothed erection, you watched him through half lidded eyes, the warm air and beer clouding your better judgement.

"You've always been so good to me." He watched you, trying to process what was happening. "A good friend, great work partner." You slowly stood up, hand leaving his crotch to slide up to his the waistband of his gym shorts.

"Let me be good to you." You coo, surprised at him lifting himself enough to allow you to slide his pants and boxers off. You went to grab his member but was stopped.

"Wait... I know it's a little late but...are you sure?" He looked almost worried. "Like are we going to be okay after the buzz fades and this is all done?"

You smile at him, crawling up to kiss his cheek.

"This is the worst way to do it, but I love you..." The boost of confidence the alcohol gave you was enough to finally admit what you tried to hid for the sake of friendship. He was right, it's a little late so you went for broke. "So please, let me do this." He nodded, hand releasing yours. You stroke him, getting to watch his reaction up close. His head rolled back a frustrated groan escaping him.

With that you were back on your knees, taking him into your mouth, bit by bit, trying to reach as far as you could, stroking what couldn't fit. His hands grabbed your head, fingers getting tangled with your hair. You kept a steady pace, trying to find where he felt it the most, surprisingly when you went more shallow, tounge twirling around his tip is what made him moan most, hips bucking uncontrollably.

"Fuck, I'm gonna come." He pulled your hair, thrusting deep into your mouth until he finished, his load hot as you swallowed every drop. Opening your mouth to show him. Panting he grabbed your face with his free hand, admiring your lust filled face. You took his thumb into your mouth, swirling it around with your tongue while looking into his eyes.

"That was amazing, you did so good." He sighed, his thumb leaving your mouth with a pop. "Let me show you my thanks with a reward."

He pulled you onto his lap, his hands caressing your thighs as you straddled him. He pulled you into a kiss, your hands gripping the collar of his shirt in fear he'd just fade away if you let go. When the kiss broke you were gasping for air, hands roaming and caressing every part you could. He nipped at your neck, giving you a trail of butterfly kisses, before whispering in your ear.

"Get on your back." It wasn't a command but he said it with such confidence that you couldn't help but comply. His hands touched you everywhere, the sensations sending shivers all over you, finally grabbing at your shorts. "Off." Is all he said, your lifted yourself and shimmied them off tossing them away.

"You're so cute when you listen." He chuckled, catching your lips in a quick kiss before kissing a trail down your covered chest and finding his way to your sweet spot. His tongue lapping over it, teeth lightly grazing and driving you mad. Your mind was going blank, your moans muffled when he tucked your shirt into your mouth.

"Can't let the neighbors hear how beautiful you sound." A muffled moan came out as you felt your saliva soak into your shirt. Body twitching as he continued, relentlessly licking, sucking and nipping at your most sestive area. Tears formed as you lost control of the twitching. He had to hold you down to keep at it. You were close.

Whimpers escaped as your body fought to push him away, letting your shirt go as something rocked your body.

"C- cumming~!" Your thighs crushed him in-between but he kept going, helping you ride out your high.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me, do you?" He squeezed one thigh, biting down on the other leaving a mark that he stared at with pride. You laughed, your energy drained. He helped you to the bathroom so you both could clean up. Sleepiness hitting you like a wave. "It's getting late." he looked over at your clock. But you held his hand before he could go.

"Stay the night? Please." You were blushing like mad, everything that happened all coming back to you. He smiled at you sweetly, kissing your cheek before crawling into bed with you, arms wrapping around you. He whispered praises to you, lulling you to sleep. The project could wait a day more.

Word Count: 1464

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