💌 Peck (Monoma x Reader)

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You push through the crowded party, searching for a familiar face in the sea of people. Kendo spots you first, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"There you are! I was worried you got lost in the chaos," she exclaims, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the center of the room.

Sero appears next to you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ready for some fun tonight?" he teases.

As the night goes on, the music gets louder, and the drinks flow freely. You find yourself in the middle of a drinking game, the room spinning around you. In a moment of drunken honesty, you blurt out, "I've never kissed anyone before."

Silence surrounded you. It felt like you spoke in slow motion as you realized what you just said. Then, just as quickly as they stared, they began laughing.

Kendo's eyes widen in surprise, and Sero nudges you playfully. "Looks like a perfect opportunity," he whispers, nodding towards Monoma, your longtime crush, who's been eyeing you from across the room.

The games started to slow as people became more and more drunk, getting to the point where you weren't even sure if anyone was listening anymore. Everyone seemed to be done, but you still felt Monama still staring at you.

Heart racing, you feel a mix of excitement and nerves as he approaches. "What is it?" You asked quietly. You stumble slightly as Monoma approaches, the room revolving around you in a tipsy blur. He leans in closer, his breath warm against your ear.

"I couldn't help but overhear that you've never been kissed," he murmurs, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Your heart skips a beat, cheeks burning as you meet his gaze.

"Yeah, that's... that's true," you admit, feeling a mix of embarrassment and anticipation swirling within you.

"You know," Monoma continues, his voice low and smooth, "I could help you with that if you'd like."

His words send a shiver down your spine, and you find yourself nodding, unable to resist the pull of excitement and curiosity.

"If you don't mind..." he adds. "I mean, we're both here alone, and I figured we might as well enjoy ourselves." He smirks, watching you squirm.


A flutter starts in your stomach as you realize what this means. A slow smile spreads across your lips.

He chuckles as you stammer out an answer, trying not to stare too obviously at his lips. "N-no... I don't mind. I mean... yes... I would like that," you say, smiling shyly back at him.

He reaches out and brushes a strand of hair away from your cheek, smiling back at you.

You blush as your eyes roam over his handsome features. You take a deep breath and steel yourself.

"This is it."

You glance up into his eyes, noting the uncertainty that briefly flashes there before being replaced by determination.

"Come here," he says, stepping closer until his chest is flush against yours. You rest your hands on his shoulders, closing your eyes as his breath sends tingling sensations throughout your body.

In one swift move, he tilts your chin upwards and plants a soft kiss on your lips. Everything seems to stop as you melt into him.

"So sweet." His husky voice fills your ears, sending a thrill of desire straight to your core.

Pulling away, you open your eyes and catch him grinning smugly at you.

"Get a room!" Sero hollers from across the room, laughter echoing through the space.

Suddenly overcome with embarrassment, you break eye contact and turn away, pretending to look for Kendo.

A smile spreads across your face as your fingers gers touch your lips. Your first kiss, although not romantic or passionate, had certainly made an impression on you. A memory you'll treasure forever.

Word Count: 631

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