🍋 Hurt Me Pt. 2 (Izuku x Female!Reader)

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"It looked like you had a bad day. Why not take it out on me?"

You froze, what did he say? You looked at him, confused, not sure what he was implying. Did he mean to punch him or, something else... Heat rose to your cheeks as you tried to piece together what he meant, he was the innocent one right?! But the way he said it, was like a kinky romance novel. Agreeing to yourself that he meant the punch you decide to go lighter, a slap, but before your hand could make contact he caught it, giving your fingers a kiss.

"I had a feeling you'd misunderstand." Pulling you closer he squeezed you tight, kissing you with a passion you didn't think could exist outside of books. He let your arm go and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and kissing him harder. Someone's lips were definitely gonna bruise. "Do you understand?" He asked between pants, not keeping away from your lips for too long. You broke the kiss for sweet air.

"I do, I just didn't think this could be real." You wipe remnants of saliva off your lips, trying to keep your breathing calm to not be heard by the others. "Izu-kun, are you sure? I don't want you rushing into this just because you think it'd make me feel better..."

"I want this, as long as you do too." He kisses you again, slowly leading you to his bed. You sit and slowly back into it as he crawls on top of you, taking off his shirt you notice a buldge already tenting in his sweatpants and give a little chuckle.

"Already, from just making out?" You graze your finger over it, feeling his body tense up from the light touch. You sit up, slowly pushing him down and straddling his hips. You caress his face with your thumb tracing his cheek slowly, down his neck and onto his shoulder. You kiss him lightly on his lips, a trail of butterfly kisses following down his face to his neck, you bite him. He hisses from it as you lap your tongue over the spot, a dark red mark left on his skin. "I'm not that gentle," you admit to him, "I've always preferred the kinkier reads over the sweet romantic ones." You mutter, admiring the mark you left on him. You kiss him again licking up his jawline and blowing on it, feeling him shudder. You bite his ear lobe earning you a small moan.

"Have you done this before?" He asks, panting lightly from the small things you've done."

"No, just read a lot." And porn that Denki and you have shared with eachother, but he didn't need to know. "But right now, you're body is my canvas, and I plan to leave my mark." You smirk with a glint in your eyes. You continue kissing, licking, and biting his body, marks scattered all around looking like he was bruised from a fight. When you were satisfied you began kissing a trail down to his crotch, the buldge even harder than before. You slowly pull his pants down, him lifting his hips to help you slide them off. "Do you always go commando?" You bite your lip, loving what you saw. He was bigger than you thought, but not massive. You admired it till you felt him shift under you.

"C- can you not stare... it's embarrassing..." He stutters, hiding his face under his arm.

That's supposed to be my line.
You thought to yourself with a smile. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." You kiss his arm and go back down. You lick from the base going up, giving his tip a kiss, earning you another small moan. You take his cock into your mouth, slowly working down till he was hitting the back of your throat. His moaning becoming more consistent with each bob of your head.

"Aah~ t- that's really good." He mutters out, huskey and low, hearing him like that sent shivers down your spine and made you crave him down there. But you wanted to play with him.

"Izu~ I want you to look at me~" you whined, pumping his length with your hand. His hip bucked lightly with a grunt as he moved his arm to reveal his flushed face.

He really looked like a piece of art, and it was because of what you did to him. You kiss the tip of his cock again, making sure he watched you. His cock disappearing in your mouth, as you sucked and licked his length a free hand played with his balls, lightly caressing and squeezing them as you watched his face twist in pleasure. You could tell he was struggling to keep quiet, but you loved watching him and couldn't stop. You sat up quickly, earning a whimper from Izuku, and ever so slowly took your own shirt off, tossing it onto the floor. The cool air hitting you made you shiver, but what really got you was the pair of emerald eyes watching you.

"Look, don't touch... yet." You gave him a wink as you began to slide your shorts down, swaying your hips playfully as he watched.

"Do you always go commando?" He echoed your question back to you, earning him a smile. But without answering you toss the shorts and pull him to sit up while you still straddled him. You kissed him hard as you placed yourself on his cock, grinding against him. You both moan into eachothers lips, your hips moving at a comfortable pace, you could feel yourself getting wetter making everything slide a little easier. You lift yourself up, enough to grab his cock and line it up with your entrance, Izuku leaning back and watching with anticipation. Slowly you ease yourself down, a slight pain hitting you, but not as bad as the novels make it out to be. Soon you have him fully in you, satisfied sighs leaving both of you as you adjust to his size. Your movements at first were a little awkward but soon you fell into a rhythm that worked as you bounced on his cock. Breathy moans filling the room along with the sound of skin slapping.

"F- fuck Izuku! It's so g- good aah!" Your hands land on his chest, scratching him, hard enough to mark, but not to break skin.
Stiffled moans continue to flow and a sensation hits your stomach, a low burning that only grew with each bounce. Your movements speeding up as the knot grew. "Nyaa~ Izu I'm gonna-," the knot snapped, "aaah~" You came on his cock as you rode out your orgasm, legs slowly going out on you. "You might have to take over." You smile, kissing him as you try to bounce some more. Before you could even tell he had flipped the position to missionary, your back hitting the bed with a thud.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." He says breathlessly and he began to pound into you. His movements were quick and hard, and the sensation was far different from when you rode him. You loved it. You wrapped your arms around him, kissing him to try and silence the moans that would let everyone know what you were doing. Tears brimmed your eyes from the pleasure as you scratched down his back, possibly breaking skin. "Fuaa~ I'm gonna-"

"M- me too, let's cum together~" You kiss him again, thrusts sloppy as he grunts into the kiss pulling out and covering your stomach. Your body twitched as you came down from your high, Izuku kissing you before leaving to grab something to clean you up with.

"That was amazing." He smiles lazily, handing you a towel. "Are you all right?"

"I am." You laugh, sticking your tongue out at him. You clean yourself off and get dressed snuggling with him for a moment. "You know, I should probably go to my own room."

"Oh, why?" He asked, almost hurt.

"Well, it feels weird having All Might staring at me after we did all that..." You admit, blushing at all the posters and figures surrounding you. Izuku's face goes pale realizing that his room made you uncomfortable and started to mumble quick apologies. "It's okay, it's alright!" You give him a kiss before whispering in his ear. "Next time will just have to be in my room~" With that you saunter off his bed and out his room, turning back to see he was embarrassed and hiding his face.

"Hey," you call out to him, "I love you."

Word count:1440

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