🍋 Wet Dream (Tamaki x Female!Reader)

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He had you pinned to the bed, his hot breath tickling your neck as nipped and kissed you.

You wanted to move your arms around to touch him but he held them against the pillow with his own. "You know. Coming out in just your towel, still dripping wet. Is really arousing." He whispered, running his hands down your body, sending tingles up and down your spine. His touch was feather light.

This wasn't like him at all, and yet you wanted more. He trailed kisses down your neck leading to your collarbones, and you shivered at his touch, he sucked gently on each one before biting down on your nipple.

"Oh!" You cried, closing your eyes tightly.

"Don't you dare close your eyes," he said between slow breaths, "I want to see your eyes while I ravish you." You nodded not trusting yourself to speak, and he smiled before biting down harder than he ever had before. You were stunned by how good it felt; his teeth digging into you and the heat that spread throughout your entire body.

You moaned loudly and then his mouth covered yours. It wasn't soft and gentle, it was deep and hungry. The sounds of passion escaped from your lips and his. Your tongue danced with his and your whole body trembled under his mouth's caress.

"Don't stop..." You begged him between desperate gasps for air. You'd never been so turned on in your life. He gave a wicked grin and went back to kissing and nibbling your nipples, making you squirm under him even more.

Then his hand slipped down between your legs, and you whimpered when he brushed your clit. The skin there was already damp with arousal, making his touch feel electric. When his fingers moved deeper inside of you you bucked beneath him. He took this as an invitation to go further, rubbing faster and harder until you couldn't stand it any longer and pushed against his hand.

He chuckled against your ear and whispered, "Your wish is my command, beautiful." Before you knew what was happening he slid two fingers deep inside of you and then pulled them out slowly.

"Shit! Ahh! Tamaki!" You screamed, pushing hard against his hand to make him thrust harder.

You arched your hips and rocked back and forth, grinding yourself against his hand.

His breathing was ragged now, along with yours, and you could hear the rush of blood pounding through his veins as you ground your pussy against his hand.

Letting go of your hands, he reached up to cup your cheek and force you to look into his eyes.
His gaze burned right through you and you found yourself completely undone, lost to the intensity of his gaze.

He gave a low growl and plunged his fingers back inside of you.

It was too much; too intense. And suddenly you felt yourself falling over the edge. Your orgasm swept through your body, causing you to cry out as the pleasure hit. Your body jerked underneath him, taking everything he had to hold you still.

And then you woke up, panting, body slick with sweat. Sitting up you looked around trying to piece it together.

What happened? Why did it feel so real? You're dream, just a dream. A delicious dream...

Realization hit you and a strong wave of embarrassment washed over you.

What kind of girl were you?! Get a grip! It's just a stupid dream!

Just a dream....

Word Count: 579

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