Chapter 3

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Freen's POV


I came home at 9 PM and went directly into the basement. Becky is nowhere to be found.

Hmm. Turned out she didn't came back. Tsk I knew it was all just a scam.

But seriously, why am I disappointed?. I don't even know the girl. I'm not even sure whether her name is really Becky.

I cleaned and dressed up each of my other dolls instead to distract myself, then I slowly walked upstairs to my bedroom and was somehow relived to see that she's here after all, and for some reason my face just suddenly lit up.

She's wearing my silk nightgown, showing too much skin which made me a bit more uncomfortable.

Fine, her body is somehow a wonderland.

I gulped by the thought. Gosh, what's wrong with me?. Just this morning I was hallucinating of seeing her and now I'm already having weird thoughts tsk.

Come on Sarocha, you're better than this.

"Y-you're back." I awkwardly said to her.

"I figured you might miss me." She said as she sat comfortably on my bed.

I just rolled my eyes. This kid tsk.

"Those are mine." Referring to the red night gown she's wearing.

"I can take it off--" Which literally panic the sht out of me. I mean don't tell me she's gonna undress just like that.

"N-no!. G*d no!. I-it's okay. You can wear it. Geez, what's wrong with you?." As I wiped droplets of sweat that are uncontrollably falling down my face.

There goes that smirk again. She knows she got me and I hate it.

"Look kid, you've been here for how many nights now and you still haven't told me why you're really here. In my house, in my room." I sincerely confronted her.

"It's been that long but you still haven't reported me to the cops. Was it because you actually really want to keep me?." She confidently said.

"Keep you? Ha ha. You must be dreaming."

"Well, if this is a dream we're probably in heaven right now." She teased me.

"Not happening. Better give up and take whatever you want, and then leave me alone forever, will you?. And then we'll just pretend that this isn't a potential case of brutal murder, s*xual offense or robbery." I counterattacked.

"Me? Give up? Nah. Rejection turns me on babe. Besides, I'm politely asking for your permission so there's no offense there." Becky said as she slowly laid down my bed showcasing her body.

"Do you really want to sleep with me?."  I flinched by the idea.

"It's not a matter of want, it's necessary. I was made to give you pleasure, so I must fulfill my duty." Becky explained.

Now I'm starting to believe that maybe just maybe she's real after all.

No, she became real.

Is that even possible?. Well, does it even matter?.

I sighed deeply,

"Okay, show's over. I'm going to bed now." I said as I tried to pull her off my bed but I don't think she had any plan leaving.

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