Chapter 35

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Becky's POV

I sat at the hospital bench frustrated about what just happened when Dr. Saint sat beside me.

"There's something bigger outside of us." He said.

I turned to look at him and then looked away,

"Grandma will surely take good care of her." He added.

"You say it as if you've known each other for years." I told him.

"Because I do. Freen's Mom was my patient.."

"..Look, you and Freen were almost like sisters to me. The courage you two have when you told the world who and what you are inspired people like me who were in the shadows for years to finally embrace ourselves.."

"..I've been scared all my life for people to know my true color, too scared to tell my parents that Trevor is not just my roommate. But thanks to you two, we're now free. And about Freen, you have nothing to worry about. I'll try talking to Grandma." He sincerely said.

"R-really? You'd do that?." My face lit up.

"Anything for a sister." He said.

"Doctor Saint, emergency." One of the nurses came to us and he was about to leave when I told him,

"Who's your favorite singer?."

He just smiled and flipped his imaginary long hair in the air saying,

"Madonna." And finally left. I can definitely say he's bottom.

And in just 3 days, this is it. I can finally see her again.

5 PM

Her grandma openly let me walk inside the house as I saw Freen sitting in a wheelchair, still staring at blank space at the garden.

I can't help but cry due to the overwhelming feeling.

"It's been 5 days and still no sign of recovery." Grandma said worriedly.

"This is all my fault."

"What do you mean?." She asked.

"If we didn't argue that night, she wouldn't leave the house and this wouldn't happen." I sincerely said.

"Well, none of us could predict the future so what happened was inevitable. Nobody shall be blamed, it's just how life happens to everybody. She called me that night and told me that you rejected her proposal. Why is that?." Grandma asked as she sat by the couch.

I sighed deeply,

"I was dumb *SILENCE* a-and selfish." I sincerely said.

"Gotta be more than that." She said.

"I never told her about this but sometimes I feel like I'm more scared of losing her than she is in losing me. I thought I will eventually get tired of always swallowing my pride just to keep her." I honestly told her and sat.

"Why didn't you tell her about it?."

"I-I don't know, maybe I'm embarrassed of thinking that we can't make it last very long."

"Don't you want to marry her?." She asked.

"I didn't fully comprehend the value of marriage until that day in the hospital. Not just for the sake of rights to keep the person in a legal sense but to actually have the right to be with the person especially in those dark times.."

"..People around the world were fighting for the right to be with the person they love, while I refused the person who had offered to love me for the rest of her life despite of the consequences we may face. And now, she doesn't even recognize me--" I sincerely told Grandma.

"She does." Grandma said.

"I'm sorry?."

"Dr. Smith got it wrong. Freen's memory was not affected by the injury. She can recognize us. It's just that she can't speak nor move due to her condition. There were tears in her eyes when we she was discharged from the hospital and we both know exactly why." She gently reached out my hand with a lump in her throat.

"Please take care of my dear Granddaughter. She's all I have left. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did back in the hospital. I already lost my daughter, I can't lose Freen too." She cried.

I stood up and sat beside her to give comfort as she wiped off her tears.

"But at the end of the day, we have nothing to fear but fear itself, Becky." She finally said, and that stuck with me.

7 PM


We made her sit on her bed, with her back against the wall.

Freen just finished being fed through a nasogastric tube.

I held her hand and looked at her beautiful face even though she's still staring at blank space.

"I'm finally ready Freen. Just please wake up, come back and be my wife, please--" I sincerely told her as I gently planted a kiss at the back of her hand, sobbing.

"..I'm sorry for being such a terrible person, I'm sorry for refusing you to be part of my future and for the rest of my life and I'm sorry for making you feel like you're not deserving enough. You are more than enough Freen.."

"..Growing old is inevitable but it won't be as great if you're not there with me. Turns out, we don't marry the people we can live with. Instead, we marry the one we can't live without. And I want you to know that I love and I will love you times infinity and beyond. All day, everyday, everywhere."

I kissed her forehead and finally wiped off my tears when suddenly I saw tears falling down her cheeks.

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