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Yunjin pov

I quietly lock the door as I just got home from having fun in the club. It's 4am and I just thought I need to go home to atleast check on Julia.

I take my shoes off and make my way upstairs in the dark, but we live here for a year now so I know where to walk even when it's dark.

I feel my room door is open a gap and the nightstand lamp on, but she was sleeping.

I knew it from the beginning that she would steal some of my clothes while sleeping in my bed, she always do this when I'm out for the night and she gets in my bed on her own, that's why I said it for her that she can sleep in my bed while her friends sleep in her room.

It kind of got her little habit when she sleep in my room that she also wears some of my clothes to sleep in, even if they're really big for her.

I close the door, maybe a little too loud what woke her up "Unnie, you're home" she sit up and I sigh out.

"Yes, but go back to sleep, okay? I will just change and go to bed too" I say quietly to not wake her up any more.

"Okay Unnie" she say and lays back down, and I can see that she close her eyes and got back under the blanket.

I quickly change into my pajama and lay down beside her, my back against her back because that's how we always sleep beside each other.

"Unnie?" She ask.

"Hm?" I turn on my back because she did the same and I look at her.

"Do you remember when we used to cuddle alot around 6 years ago?" She ask, backing a little away to look at me.

"Yes, I do. Why do you ask that?"

"Can we cuddle? I don't know, I just want to cuddle tonight" she say, hiding a little under the blanket.

"Which cuddle position?" I just ask her and she starts to smile.

"Really, you will cuddle with me, Unnie?" She ask happily and sit up.

"Yes, it don't happen often that we cuddle, and this probably won't change except if you have a bad day or need some comfort, then I'm cuddling you. But not every day, okay?" She nod her head and smile.

"Can you spoon me, Unnie?"

"Yes, come here" I lay on my side and she turns around, her back facing me and she got closer, so I get my arm around her and snuggle a little in her neck, because I always do this when we cuddled.

(something like this btw)

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(something like this btw)

But this is definitely the first time that we are body against body, but I don't mind because she's the closest friend I have and I'm comfortable with her and trust her with my whole heart to be this close to me sometimes.

"Thank you, goodnight, Unnie, and sleep well" she whisper and turn off the nightstand lamp.

"No problem. Goodnight and sleep well too" I whisper back and just like that we get warm enough by each others warmth.

Yeji's pov

Me and the girls were searching for Julia and her bestfriend because they weren't downstairs, so we got into that one room now that is closed.

We knock first, because we don't know if they change or something right now.

But no one answers, so I open the door with the girls behind me, seeing the sight of how cutely they're cuddled up.

Her bestfriend lays behind her and is spooning Julia in her embrace. She don't have much of the blanket on her anymore, so we could also see that they're also body against body, so really really close.

"Wah, this is so cute. Didn't know that Julia likes cuddles" Chaeryeong said, and I close the door again to let them sleep, because her bestfriend was out with friends so I'm sure she came home late and Julia for sure waited for her.

"They do seem really close. They're sus" Ryujin said as we make our way downstairs into the livingroom.

We sit down and I look at her "I think that Julia will tell us when she have a crush. She did too and after that dated her crush and they ended up together for around one year.  I guess if Julia likes her bestfriend more than bestfriends should then she would ask for advice or overall just talk about her" I say, because that's how I see it.

"Yes, but what if they're girlfriends and that's why Julia didn't told us much about her bestfriend to keep them a secret" Ryujin said.

"What Ryujin Unnie says makes a little sense. Why would she keep her 'bestfriend' a secret when they're just 'friends'?" Yuna ask.

"Yeah, maybe that's right. But let's ask her first to know about it" I nod at Lia's little statement to it.

After a few minutes they came down together, but Julia keeps rubbing her eyes, guess she isn't that much awake like her friend is.

"Oh, goodmorning. Why didn't you woke us up or something?" Julia ask and walk to us, while her friend goes into the kitchen.

She sit down on a free place and yawn "are you two girlfriends?" Ryujin just ask.

Her friend started to laugh and Julia just shake her head and kind of facepalm.

"What makes you think we're girlfriends?" She ask Ryujin and we all look at her, Julia's friend coming to us too to know the reason.

"I think they saw how we cuddled" Julia's friend sit down beside her and lean a little forward.

"It was the first time after years that we cuddled again. Yunjin Unnie and I know each other for soooo long, I think since we were eating sand in the kindergarten, or whenever she moved to America. We are like this because our families are in America, and she's the older one and my parents asked her to take care of me, because im a dumb kid, I think we all know. I do take care of her too, but she do more for me and that's all. Please don't think something like that" Julia makes everything clear for us and her friend, we found out now her name is Yunjin, just nods to agree what Julia had said.

"Yes we are close, but not really when it's skinship or something" Yunjin said.

"It barely happens. You all have so much more skinship than I do with my bestfriend. Should I ask you all if you're girlfriends or something? It's kinda sus" she said and point at all of us.

We all laugh because of her and she just smiles.

I hope we do can get to know Yunjin a little better because she seem like a really cool person, and it makes me happy to hear that our second youngest have such a great bestfriend who takes care of her because its just the two of them here out of their family members, or maybe they do have some here but find comfort enough to live together.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now