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Julia's pov

Yunjin, me and my friends got home because Yunjin picked us up from school and we all went shopping.

But well I just saw my sister there, and dad's car so I guess he's inside there waiting for Aliyah when she is done doing whatever.

I'm walking beside Yunjin and she took my hand and squeeze it, so I look at her and she do too "let's ignore her, okay?" She ask me and I don't know if I can ignore her.

"Oh now a couple? First fucking around and now a couple" Aliyah said, she was always jealous how close I am with Yunjin and Aliyah once told me she had a little crush on Yunjin, but I'm not sure if she still have.

Yunjin squeeze my hand and I just roll my eyes "Why can't you just shut your fucking mouth? There's always coming shit comments out. Even if we slept together, why are you so interested in that and getting her uncomfortable by letting people know? Just go, why are you even here?" I shout at her and Yunjin went inside, some of my friends went with her and Ryujin and Chaeryeong are staying with me right now.

"To let Yunjin know what you, Eomma and her new guy talked about. I know that you just want to play with her, but then I can have her and have a family with her" she smirks at me and Iaugh.

"Oh please don't be so delusional. Yunjin wouldn't choose a bitch like you. She don't deserve a bitch like you. She deserves someone who love her with her whole heart and puts all her attention and love to her. Maybe I'm not that person to her now, but it can happen in the future. Yunjin is my everything and I'll make sure you never get a chance" I say and point at her sometimes and my friends said something like ohhh.

"Maybe I really should've drowned you that one day I was kinda drowning you, funny that you're still scared of water, like a little kid. I'm sure Yunjin would've been by my side all the time then, and not with you. You don't even deserve to be in this world, Eomma should've put you in adoption or something. You're a monster, a big mistake for our family, and you're still here in the same world as me, I can't believe it. That Eomma even loves you is a question to me, because you're not loveable and I hope you'll die soon. Sad that you didn't die because of cancer when you were 14-"

Yunjin's pov

I'm calling Julia's mother in panic and crying because Ryujin and Chaeryeong just told me what Aliyah told Julia and she went away, and the two of them said that it definitely broke their heart hearing such things and that Julia was crying and was running away from her.

"Mom, i-is Julia with you? Aliyah was here and told her really terrible things such as Julia should've died because of the cancer she once had, or that Aliyah really should've drown her so she dies a-and she ran away. I'm sorry t-that I didn't took care of Julia at this time right now" I say and couldn't really breathe.

"Shhh, Yunjinnie, Julia just arrived here and I have her tightly in her arms comforting her. If you and the others want you can come over to comfort her too. Just please calm down from your panic attack, yes? She's safe here but she didn't told me anything, just crying in my embrace. Thank you for telling me what Aliyah did and calling me after a few minutes knowing what happened" she say and I sniffle.

"I'll be coming o-over, I'll see you two soon" I just say and end the call.

I rush to Julia in the livingroom and hug her tightly in my arms. I kiss the top of her head and she hold onto my suit jacket because I'm still wearing my work clothes, what's always a suit.

"I-I know you said I should ignore her but I couldn't, Unnie. I really couldn't but the way she teas-"

"Its not your fault, baby, it really isn't. I'm really happy that you immediately went to your mother and didn't run away more or got into any danger. I'm relieved that you're safe, you don't know how worried I was about you when your friends told me what Aliyah said to you" I rub her back and wipe my own tears away so I can be there for her and comfort her.

I let her hide in the crook of my neck "you don't deserve all the bad stuff she is saying to you, and overall what she has done to you and still do. I'm sorry that I'm dumb to not protect you from her all the years" I say and she looks at me and slap my shoulder a little.

"Don't say that, don't a-apologise for something you don't have the fault for, Unnie. I'm r-really thankful to have you" she say and hide in my neck again.

"You two can go to the guestroom to calm down more and so you can comfort her better in a calm place" mom said and I got up with her slowly getting up too.

It's nighttime and I drove Julia's friends home and now carry her upstairs into my bed because she fell asleep in my arms at her mothers home.

It's rare that she sleeps so tightly, but on the way home she needed to lay on her friends lap because she couldn't really hold her body up sitting on my lap.

I lay her down and walk around and find one of her pajamas in my room, so I can change her into it.

After I'm done changing her I fold her clothes and put them on my desk because she would hate it when I put her clothes on the floor.

I just change too and then sit on my bed because she turned on her stomach and face turned to my side.

I get my hand on her cheek and just caress it, it's a bit sticky because of her tears and I just feel sorry about how much she's been through because of her father and sister.

But I'm proud that she's still fighting, even if I'm sure she's tired from all of that and I should protect her more.

She opens her right eye and blink a few times, but look at me "Unnie, are you okay?" She ask me and I just sit on the floor and look at her, so I'm eye level with her.

"I'm just really worried about you, baby. I will protect you more now from her or your father. I know that it's doing something to you, but you don't talk about it. Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her, still caressing her cheek and lean my head on my arm.

"I don't feel worthy at all" she tell me and I went closer to her, kissing her forehead.

"You're worthy, baby. Its your dad and sister who make you feel you don't, but you are, baby" she close her eyes and shrug her shoulder.

"I don't know, Unnie"

"But I do. You're so worthy, you're so perfect,  Julia. You're a wonderful girl and so worth to get loved by everyone-"

"Only you really love me, Unnie, and my Eomma and little friendgroup. But that's it. I still don't feel worthy at all, Unnie. You don't know how it feels like when people hope you're dead, that I should've got killed or die because of the cancer. Or that I got told that I'm a mistake all my life. I'm tired and I really... really don't know how long I can take it anymore" she say but got a little emotionless because of all of the things.

"I know that I never went through this, but I'm here for you, and I know what you went through all those years. I'm here for you, always, you can always talk to me when you want and need to, baby. Don't forget that I'll always be there for you no matter what, okay? I will listen to you, talk with you, comfort you and hold you. You always say I'm your everything, you're my everything too, you're literally my baby and I'm here to take care of you" I say and push her a bit more on my bed so I can lay infront of her, still looking at her.

"I don't want to be a burden, Unnie. You already do everything for me" she say and close her eyes.

"I do that because you mean so much to me, Julia, I would do everything for you and you know that. Just like you, you would do everything for me too" she nod her head and just close her eyes.

I just gently pat her head and let her head rest against my chest, to hope she will fall back asleep without thinking about something negative.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now