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No one's pov
2 days later

After Yunjin found out the address of Aliyah and your dad she immediately went there, with your friends joining her.

Your dad opens the door, not knowing who's there, but he greets Yunjin and your friends, to receive a punch from Yunjin.

"Don't you look at me with this dirty smile. You and Aliyah are the fuvking reason why Julia probably took her life yesterday. All because you tell her, everyday how much you hate her and that she should die. Do you know how much it hurts people that love her? Do you know in what pain I'm going through? Her mom and friends are going through? The police is looking for her, with cars, dogs and even helicopters. You put her in so much pain that she never showed anyone how much pain she's been going through. She never talked to me or showed me the side that she showed me in that letter. I just hope that you and Aliyah go to jail for being bad to her all those years that she now had the final straw and took her life yesterday. I hate you two so much, so fucking much that I hope that you two rot in hell, because you two are such bad persons. I hate you so much" she punch your dad a few more times till she got pulled back by Yeji and Chaeryeong.

She spit on him and kick him one last time "I will report you two to the police because you two are the reason she did that to herself" she say and got carried away a bit.

"She means so much to me, she's always there for me, she's my bestfriend, my soulmate and you just took her away from me. I wanted to confess to her when the right time comes but now I can't do that anymore and can't show her love and all the things she deserves. I hope you two die" Yunjin shout and cry, the frontdoor now closed and your friends start to comfort her.

Andy was searching for you the whole night now and the last place he could think of now was the han river.

He is driving slowly to look around to see you on one of those platforms of han river, under the bridge.

He's also a police officer so he didn't stop looking for you no matter how tired he is.

He got outside his car and kinda took off his uniform because he need to swim a little over to get you.

"Julia, hey" he shout and you look at him, your clothes wet and you feel so cold because of the cold wind and weather.

You dint answer because you've been crying those almost 3 days you're there, because you survived the jump from the bridge into the water and then just swam on the little platform where the bridge thingie holds the bridge up.

He swim over to you because there's no other way to get you "come on my back, I swim us over" he say softly and you just sniffle and got on his back, letting him swim you two over.

He let you down and sit on the bench beside you, grabbing his things and talks through the walkie talkie "I found her. We're at the han river now. Sh luckily survived, but I think an ambulance still would be great because we should make a check up" he tell his colleagues and pat your head a little bit while you just look down and cry.

He call your mother and pulled you a little in his embrace so you can cry on his chest.

"Babe, I found her, all alive. We'll get an ambulance here and then we meet at the hospital, okay? Tell her friends, especially Yunjinnie about it, she'll be relieved" he say and you sob, clinging onto him finding comfort in him that you wish you could've gotten from your dad, but he'll be your stepdad anytime soon so maybe a father to you, if he wants to.

"Oh my god, she's alive? Please take care of her, Andy, I'll l tell the girls about it" she say and cry, but they're happy tears knowing you're alive.

After he end the call he just wraps his arms around you to hold you and try to keep you a little warm "Julia, why didn't you seek help, hm? No one knew what you're going through because you never showed any signs, not even your bestfriend knew about your situation. You know that you can talk to your mother anytime, and with me too if you want to. Your bestfriend is also there for you, Julia, okay? Don't fight alone when you have family and friends there for you to help you. If you want, you can go into therapy, your mother, Yunjin and I will support you through it so you're getting better, do that for yourself to get better. You're your mother's everything, I'm sure she don't want to loose you and you don't want to loose her. Let's get you help if you don't want to talk to any of us, because it's the best than battling alone with your thoughts" he talks to you and you only nod your head because you don't want to say anything right now and just be in his arms because he gives you comfort.

You're in the hospital room and they want you to stay for one or two nights, but you didn't talked today, not even one word came out of your mouth.

Yunjin rush inside your room and you look at her, seeing her crying. She throw the bag for your clothes on the floor and hug you tightly, crying against your neck.

"Y-You don't know how worried I was, how scared I was. Please never try that again, p-please, Julia" she cry and beg.

You just wrap your arms around her and she lay on top of you, being the only one with you in the room right now.

She cry harder and cling onto you, gripping on the hospital gown that you wear because you didn't had fresh clothes till now because of Yunjin.

"Why d-didn't you talked to me about what you're going through? You know I-I would try and help you the best I can. This is not an answer to try and take their own life. Please never ever try this again, please t-talk to me when you have problems. Please come to me if you need a comfort place, if it's just my shoulder, my embrace or something else. Talk with me, baby, talk with me if you need to. I will always support you and be there for you and you know that too" she looks at you and you just wipe her tears away.

You don't know what to say so you just hold her in your arms to hope she will calm down from her crying.

She looks up to you and you kiss her forehead, playing with her hair but she just stare at you.

She get her hand on your cheek and wipe her tears away with her other hand "I'm sorry... are you okay, Julia?" She ask you and got a bit more up, being between your legs and look down to you.

"I'm still just cold..." You finally talk and she hugs you.

"Let me warm you up" she say and made herself as big as she can to keep you warm enough.

You just smile and close your eyes and hold her too. The few seconds she stared at you, you had the urge to kiss her but you held yourself back to do that.

You just fell asleep after a few minutes and Yunjin looks a bit up, seeing your eyes closed so she guessed that you're asleep and just kiss your cheek a few times, eventhough she would've wanted to kiss you softly on your lips.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now