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Julia's pov

I immediately went to the pharmacy after school so I can get special medicine for Yunjin so she feels better soon.

I got Chaeryeongie with me and we have our arms hooked, looking around but I can't get find things for a fever, diarrhoea and vomit, so I ask the woman.

After I told her what I need I wait there with Chaeryeong and she looks at me "she really got something bad. Poor Yunjinnie"

"Yeah, yesterday she was feeling a little better but since this morning she felt bad and vomited a few times, so I got to school alone because I couldn't let her get out. I mean, what if something had happened on the way back home, I would never forgive myself for that" I say and she smile, patting my head.

"Good that you said she shouldn't drive you to school and should rest. Let's get the medicine and then we drive to your house so you can take care of her" I nod my head and smile.

I pay for the medicine and took them, having a note to know which medicine is for what she have.

Chaeryeong let me out of her car and I went to her door and open it, giving her a big hug "come home safely, and tell me when you're home, Unnie. Thank you for the ride home and picking me up for school" I say and she just smiles.

"No problem, Julia. I'll text you when I'm home, take good care of Yunjinnie" she say.

"I will do that, Unnie. Bye"


I walk the stairs up and went into my room because that's where she was this morning before I left.

She was laying in bed, lights off and my window a little open, the bucket still beside my bed and it smells a little like vomit.

"Unnie-ah, are you awake?" I ask and sit down behind her, rubbing her arm a little bit.

"Sadly yes" she said, voice a little raspy because she is coughing sometimes because of vomiting and cried alot while vomiting. (I always have this too)

"I've bought you some medicine for diarrhoea, fever and because you vomit. Do you want to take it? Maybe you feel better soon" I say and she turn to lay on her back.

She look up to me and I look down to her "just want you to feel better, Unnie" I say and she smiles a little, sitting up but holding her stomach.

"I'll make you a heating pad after so your stomach won't hurt that much anymore" I say and she nod, I help her taking the medicines and she took sips from water after because it seems like it don't taste so good.

"Lay back down gently and just rest" I say and help her slowly laying back down on my bed.

I rush downstairs and found the heating pad quickly, so I turn on the water heater and wait till its done.

I went back upstairs and Yunjin curled herself up under the blanket.

I close the door and went to her, getting the blanket up and carefully lay the heating pad against her stomach.

I sit down behind her again and she put a pillow over my thighs and a little over my crotch area, laying between my legs and put her head on my thigh and I'm still wearing my school uniform.

She hugs my thigh and puts one leg around mine, using my leg like a body pillow. I let my hand go through her hair a little and go down to her cheek, caressing her hot cheeks.

"Are you comfortable enough, Unnie? Or should I lay down a little more?" I ask her because I really want her to be comfortable right now and don't get any more pain.

"I'm fine, baby, thank you" she said and caress my thigh a little with her thumb.

I smile a little because I like it when she calls me baby or other nicknames like that.

"You should keep calling me like that, Unnie. I like it" I tell her.

"Okay, I'll keep calling you like that" she say.

I play with her hair a little and hope that she will fall asleep soon so she will feel alot better than right now. I don't like to see her ill and hurt.

I pull the blanket more on her and so she is under it completely "sleep and rest well, Unnie. If you need help doing something then I'll help you" I say softly and she get her hands a little more up what is okay with me.

"Okay, will tell you, Julia, you're cute, thank you for taking care of me" she say quietly and I just smile, playing with her hair again to hope it will give her a little comfort or something.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now