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Julia's pov

Yunjin and I took a shower, together, and we think my mother noticed but we simply don't care because we only took a shower to clean ourselves up.

"Yunjin, Julia, Aliyah, come downstairs, food is done" my mom shout, and I always forget that Aliyah lives with mom and not with dad.

I look at Yunjin and she looks down to me "I honestly don't want to get up right now" I tell her, because im laying so comfortable on her right now.

"But your mother called us. She made extra food because we're here, let's not waste it and go eating" she sit up and I sigh a little out because her point is good to convince me to go downstairs and eat with her.

I take her hand and pull her with me so my mother don't need to wait more.

I also see my friends there and they smile at me "you ass didn't told us you're out of therapy" Ryujin said and they all start to hug me tightly.

"How are you doing now?" Yeji ask and we all sit down, my mother and Andy smiling at us.

"Fine, I'm doing great, and I'm happy" I tell them and we all sit down, Yunjin beside me and she holds my hand under the table, since we want to keep it a secret that we're dating.

Aliyah came downstairs and was looking like she's annoyed or something, but I couldn't care less.

"They're dating" Aliyah just dropped it and Yunjin and I turn our heads to the right to look at her.

"Do you always need to ruin the moment? Yunjin and I are dating in secret because we want it to be secret. And if, we would've told my friends and her friends that we're dating, and not you" I tell her and Yunjin start to brush her thumb over my hand, I guess to calm me down.

"They had sex today too" Aliyah dropped it and it just got me mad and I'm sure it gets Yunjin uncomfortable.

My friends just didn't know what to say because Aliyah said it like it's nothing.

"Okay Aliyah, it's enough. If you just want to start a fight then you can go into your room" mom said and standing up for me and Yunjin.

"But it's disgusting, Eomma" Aliyah say.

"I don't care, Aliyah. If it makes you uncomfortable then take food and eat somewhere else that's not close to your sister and Yunjin if it makes you so uncomfortable" my mom smile sarcasticly at Aliyah.

Yunjin looks at me so I look at her too "are you okay, baby?" She ask quietly and I nod my head at her.

"Are you?" I ask her back and she nod her head, smiling at me.

I intertwine our hands, also sitting closer to her and she put our intertwined hands on her lap.

"Well, Yunjin have a dick and that's weird-"

"Can you shut your dumb mouth now?" I ask and stand up, grabbing the cake that my mom bought and put a handful in her mouth and hold my hand infront of it too.

"I hope you suffocate on it" I tell her and Yunjin pulled me away from Aliyah.

"Calm down, baby" she say and pull me on her lap and hugs me.

"No, she's getting on my nerves. Everytime she see's me or you or us together she keeps telling secrets or things that involve just us and not her and she expose us too. Especially you right now and I don't want this to happen. You told us things because you trust us and she just tells people, even if they're my friends, but you barely know them" I tell her and she cup my cheeks.

"She's getting on my nerves too but we can't do anything against it right now. Now you should calm down. You're friends are here, happy to see you after a long time, and your mother is also happy to have you back again. So, we will calm down, and enjoy the rest of the day" she wipe my cheeks because I cry, because Aliyah is getting on my nerves and I just don't know why else I'm crying.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now