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Julia's pov

Yunjin, me and my friends, who wanted to get to know my family's side from mom, are infront of my grandparents house because my whole family of moms side will be here.

Yunjin ring the doorbell, all of us are wearing beautiful clothes because it's also a family dinner we are here for and my grandparents allowed me to bring my friends with me.

The door opens after a few seconds and my grandparents stood there "Julia, you're sooner than everyone" grandpa said and let us in, both my grandparents hugging me shortly.

"Yeah, we all thought maybe we could help you two with decorating, or making food and all before everyone arrive. Your family is big so I'm sure it takes a lot of time to do everything for so many people, papa" I say and we all took our shoes off and walked in a little more.

"You all are so sweet to think like that, thank you" grandma said and ruffle my hair, smiling at the other ones.

"Okay so, this is Yunjin, this Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong and Yuna" I introduce my friends to them and point at everyone so they know who is who.

My grandparents nod and we all went to the kitchen "Okay, do you want to help me cook? Your mom told me in America you always cooked with her or alone, so you definitely know how to"

"I cooked alot and I'd like to help. Ryujin Unnie could help to if she want to and you're okay with it, while the others decorate the table and everything with papa" I say and go to them to pull Ryujin with me.

Almost 2 hours later

The doorbell rang so I guess everyone is now slowly arriving. I open it fastly and see my mother, baby brother and I guess her boyfriend.

"You're already here?" Mom ask.

"Yes, my friends and I helped mama and papa with decorating and making food" I say and look at the guy, bowing down.

"I'm Julia, her oldest daughter" I say and he smiles at me.

"I could've guessed. Your mother talks alot about how of a brave kid you are. Im Andy. I've known your mother for a long time now, got closer when I was comforting her when she divorced with her ex husband" he say and I let them inside.

I took Luis and look at him "Eomma, how old is Luis? I don't know because I didn't asked this" I ask her.

"Almost 4 months old" mom say and I nod.

"Its crazy that he looks so much like me, he's just the boy version of me, and younger" I say and they both look at me with an adoring gaze.

"Yes, I showed it to Andy too that Luis looks exactly like you when you were a babygirl" mom ruffle my hair and I just smile and nod my head.

I went to hug mom shortly and Yunjin went to us "hello auntie. And you must be her boyfriend?" Yunjin say and point at Andy with her fingers, looking like pistols.

"Yes, I'm Andy" he hold his hand out and Yunjin took it for a handshake.

"I'm Yunjin, Julia's bestfriend" she introduce herself.

"Ah, you're the girl on the tiktok. I first thought you two were girlfriends, you looked like a happy couple" Andy said and I raise one eyebrow.

"What tiktok?" I ask them, the doorbell ringing again so I open it fastly, seeing Aliyah and aswell my dad who shouldn't be here.

"I posted it on your phone that we did, because I thought it's cute after thinking about it, knowing you would've posted it having my consent" Yunjin said and I just know which one she meant.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now