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Yunjin's pov

I'm sitting on the bed, Julia laying behind me starting be stretch herself because I woke her up.

I made us some tea to warm us a bit up because this night was really cold eventhough I held Julia in my arms.

I look down as I feel how she wrap her arms and legs around my waist and her cheek on my shoulder blade.

"Did you slept well? Atleast a little bit?" I ask her.

"I slept good in your arms. Thank you for picking me up in the middle of the night" she say.

I put my tea on the nightstand and turn a little to be face to face with her.

"I told you I will pick you up. I already had a bad feeling somehow so I stayed awake and waited for any message or call to either know you're fine or want me to come pick you up. I'm happy that they couldn't do anything worse to you, baby. I hope you're okay?" I ask her and she smile a little bit at me.

"I'm fine, but it was traumatising to me that this happened. I'm happy someone noticed and got the security up on them and reported this to the police. And thank you for caring so much and taking care of me and making me feel better" she cup my cheeks and I just hope she would kiss me right now, but I could sense that she would rather do it once we're in a relationship.

"Because I love you, Julia. I don't want someone to hurt you or do any other stuff like sexul assault or something. I'll take care of you in any situation I can and protect you from anyone being bad to you" I hold on her waist and get her on my lap, holding her tightly in my arms while she caress my cheeks and looks at me.

"You're cute, Yunjinnie, and I love you too" she say.

I smile at her and she start to kiss me on my cheek, going down to my neck and I let her.

Her hands roam over my body too, touching me here and there. I just hope she knows she's getting me hard right now while doing this.

She start to grind onto me, I whimper at this and hold onto her waist "are you getting me hard on purpose?" I ask her.

"Do you want to make love with me?" She ask.

"I don't have condoms here, baby" I say, shaking my head.

"I'm on birth control, I told you this already. But I just want to feel you, without being drunk and forgetting how it felt. I want you" she say quietly.

I think she's embarrassed to ask me or telling me that she wants me, and I want her too.

"We can make love, you just need to be quiet because we're at your mothers house" I tell her, walking to the door to lock it.

No one's pov

She walks back after locking the door, getting her hoodie over her head, stripping infront of you as a little tease.

You just start to laugh a little and she crawls onto the bed with you, being in her underwear.

"Don't you want to undress too? How do we make love when you're still dressed?" She ask, smiling at you.

You undress until you're only in underwear and a big tshirt. You guide Yunjin's hands to the waistband of your panties, and she hook her fingers around them.

She pull them slowly down, seeing a little wet stain on your pantie.

She then throws them away, to her other clothes and pull your tshirt a little up, kissing your stomach while holding the back of your thighs a little.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now