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Julia's pov

I woke up just a few minutes ago and my friends are here while I'm discussing with Aliyah because of how she messed the livingroom with her things she ate and her clothes and all.

My friends sit in the kitchen with Yunjin and I really don't mind when they hear me talking to Aliyah in a annoying way.

"Can you clean up your mess now? How long do you want to discuss with me. Yunjin told me a few minutes ago that she told you in the night that you should clean it before I will see it. So clean up your shit now" I scold her.

"If it bothers you that much why don't you clean it up?" She ask.

"Because you're 18, you're an adult already and I'm not your babysitter. I'm not like that who would clean up after you. You're a guest of us, but you shouldn't feel that comfortable to make a mess at mine and Yunjin Unnie's house. If you wouldn't be my little sister I would've kicked you out already, and I really wouldn't care what people say because you're going on my nerves since the day you're here" i say and point at the door.

"In korea I'm not an adult" she said.

"That's the only thing you can say now, really? I'll take some fresh air, and when I'm back I want to see the livingroom clean. Every little corner will be cleaned, do you understand? Good, no one will help you, because they shouldn't clean up your mess" I say and just wear my slippers and make my way out, shutting the door loudly and just sit on the front porch on our little stone stairs.

My head is really pounding hard because I haven't took any painkillers now nor have I drank some water or eaten something.

I sigh out and hide my face in my hands because everything is stressing me right now.

I get my phone out because it was buzzing and dad was calling me.

"Hello dad" I say and get my phone on my ear and he start to shout.

"Julia, are you out of mind? You want to kick your little sister out because she dont want to clean up the livingroom?"

"Look dad, she's old enough to clean after herself without me or Yunjin telling her to. And it wasn't even my idea to let her live with me or Yunjin, you and Eomma just told us to let her stay. She is doing nothing here except living rent free at our house" I tell him.

"And? You're not paying rent too, Julia. Aliyah did nothing wrong, and why don't you just clean it?" He ask and it really angers me.

"I'm atleast going to college to have my dream job and then pay rent aswell, its way more different than to Aliyah. And no, I won't. Its mine and Yunjin's house, we have our rules there to clean up immediately and she have to follow them. She is getting on my nerves like always and why is she even in korea? Didn't she just started school in America? And now she's here" I say and be honest with him.

"She wants to go to school there. Aliyah text me everyday that you're mean to her and won't leave her alone, so maybe you will stop it?"

"Eh? She's the one being mean to me, dad. I barely talk to her and when I do she just talks shit and talks me down" I tell him, eventhough I know he won't believe me.

"No, you're the one doing it, don't put the blame on Aliyah, Julia. Just let her rest and good is"

"Dad, you're not even here, how will you know I lie or something? You always take Aliyah's side, always. It doesn't matter, when she broke my toys you always said its my fault because I didn't let her play with it, but she had her own toys. Or when I bought an album she destroyed it because she was jealous, and I even bought it with the money I was saving from my pocket money. She picked on me even infront of you and Eomma, and you always took her side even if she was the one doing the wrong thing. I had rules, I couldn't go out with friends till I was 18, and she could've met with everyone, but good that I went with Yunjin to America when I was 17. It really makes me sad that you're always on Aliyah's side and search the fault in me, while Aliyah was the one being the bad one. I have scars because she bit me or scratched me or threw toys at me, and Eomma was always the one comforting me or taking care of me while you had the father daughter bond with Aliyah, I wanted to have that too, but I know that your favourite child is Aliyah" I tell him how I feel and he got quiet.

I just end the call and text my grandparents to ask if they can take in Aliyah. I got in contact with them over the almost 2 years that I'm here because I'm the daughter of their daughter and they were happy that I met them, so I'm sure they will take Aliyah in.

They texted back that it's okay and will pick her up since they're only a bit over 60 years old and quiet fit for most things.

I make my way inside and see the livingroom still being a mess "pack your things, grandma and grandpa will pick you up and you gonna live with them" I tell her and she looks shocked at me.

"You really kick me out now?" She ask.

"Do you think I'm joking around? I can't take it with you anymore, Aliyah, okay? You won't understand because all you can do it think about yourself and that's all. So, you will live with grandma and grandpa now and I can be in peace here with Yunjin again without you annoying me ever fucking second. By the way, dad called me, cool that you lied to him about how I treat you and now I'm looking like the bad guy again" I say and throw some of her clothes close to her and she looks really annoyed.

"Yeah, so I'll stay as the favourite child, and because I know you listen to dad and eomma when they call and text you" she said.

I just make my way upstairs into my room because I'm really annoyed and mad that I could cry because I don't want to punch or destroy something.

I lock myself up and went to my bed, going under the blanket and hug one of my pillows.

Yunjin's pov

"Yes bye, drive safely, grandma, grandpa" I tell them and they smile at me, while Aliyah looks really annoyed.

"Is Julia Unnie okay?" One of her friends ask, and I shake my head.

"Nope, she isn't. Family problems and all" I say and glance at Yeji because I told her in the night a few things about it.

"That's why she don't like to talk about it, except about her mother" the short haired girl said.

"Yeah, Julia is alot like her mother to be honest, also looking like her mom while Aliyah looks like both their parents" I say.

"Before we continue to talk, let's say our names first" Yeji said and they agreed and start to introduce themselves and I'm good at remembering names.

I sometimes kept texting with Julia's mom because she will be here tomorrow to surprise Julia and because she knows what happened here, and I guess to make Julia happy or bring her to a better mood it's a good idea that her mom comes over tomorrow.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now