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Yunjin's pov

I'm opening the door, it's 11pm and it was the longest day I had to work for the whole time I'm working.

I started at 8am and ended it a few minutes ago and I hope that Julia is already in bed, because im tired and have a headache.

Well, she came running to me in my clothes, like always, but I don't complain, she looks cute in them.

"Oh, is everything okay?" She ask, stopping infront of me and hold my hands.

"Should I be honest?" I ask her.

"You always should be, Yunjin" she say and look worried.

"I'm tired, and I have a headache. So I hoped you're already in bed waiting for me so I could join you" I say and she hug me.

"You should take medicine and then I can cuddle you" she say and sound happy to probably cuddle me this night.

"You want to hold me, baby?" I ask her.

"I don't mind. If you want then I can hold you" she say and nod her head against my chest.

"And what if.. I'm gonna hold you, like always? I want to hug you, babygirl" I say softly and lean my head on her head and close my eyes because of how tired I am.

I didn't slept long, because Julia and I had some quality time together till around 2 am, and I needed to wake up at 6 am, so not that long sleep for working such a long time today.

"You can hug me, Unnie, I just want you to feel better. I want you to rest and sleep enough now before you need to work tomorrow again" she say and rub my back a little in circles.

"You're so caring, babygirl. I will take medicine, and you will already go upstairs in bed and wakt for me. My room or your room?" I ask.

"My room. Don't let me wait for too long" she say and lean up, giving me a peck finally and I smile a little at her.

"2mins atleast, princess. Come on, wait in bed for me, its already late" I pat her ass a few times, pulling her a little closer because I honestly don't want to let go of her.

"Saying I should go up and wait but pulling me closer" she say and I hug her tightly.

"I missed you alot today, I don't want to let go, a few more seconds, baby, then I will take medicine and you wait" I say and she snuggles to me and I let her because she seemed like she was asleep before but heard me opening the door and lock it.

"I see, you like being hugged right now" she say and I nod my head.

"Ofcourse I like the hugs from my adorable girl" I say and she giggle, planting a kiss on my neck.

"You're my adorable girl too, Jinnie" she say and I kiss the top of her head.

"Let's get ready now. You go inside your room and wait for me there, and I will take medicine and then join you in bed. I probably just undress and then join you, are you okay that I'll be in underwear?" I ask her.

"I was asleep awhile ago in just underwear too, so I don't mind" I smile at her and slowly let go of her.

I walk into the kitchen and get out some medicine and she follows me, hugging me from the side.

"Not wanting to wait for me upstairs?" I ask, taking the medicine and drink some water after that.

"I just missed you and the warmth of your embrace so much" she say and snuggles to me.

"I missed you too, alot, princess" I ruffle her hair and take her hand.

I lead us into her room and close the door behind me, letting go of her hand "get on the bed and under the blankets, I will just undress fastly" I say and she turn a little and hold on my suit jacket.

She looks up at me "You're in the mood?" I ask her, because she honestly looks like she is.

Her cheeks turn light red, looking a little away "you are. But sad news to you, I'm sleepy and have a headache and want to sleep. If you're in the mood tomorrow then we can make love, baby" I brush some of her hair back and she nod.

"I understand, but I didn't know you could just... read me like that, Yunjin. This is embarrassing. I will never look at you again when I'm in the mood" she bury her face a little in my chest to hide.

"I know you for a long time, we made love around I think.. 3 times now? I noticed how you always look at me when you're in the mood. Sometimes you look like you're fucked out without being fucked" I say and she slap my shoulder, this time hard.

"Don't say that! I don't look like that!" She whine and keep slapping my shoulder.

"Have you seen yourself looking like that?" I ask her and she shake her head.

"See. I've seen it, I've also seen it when I fucked you how you look like-"

She send me a death glare and I stopped talking "once I have you wrapped around my finger I will tell you too how fucked out you looked too" she say and went to bed, laying down and hide under her blanket.

"How do you want to see how I look like when you most of the time have your eyes closed when we make love?" I ask her.

I undress and join her in bed too "once I give you a blowjob, you will look fucked out, so stop making fun. I don't look fucked out when you fuck me" she say and ignore me a little.

"Yes, yes you do, baby" I say and she sigh out.

"You can leave and sleep in your room. I don't want to hear it" she say and point at the door.

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me. I don't want to sleep with you anymore, Unnie" she say and I sit up, looking at her.

"Do you mean it, baby?" I ask her and she nod her head.

I lean down and kiss her on her cheek "Okay, I'm sorry that it made you upset or mad or anything. I'll be in my room then, but if you want you still can come there some time and cuddle with me" she nod her head and I kiss her cheek again and got up to go into my room and leave her a little alone, because im sure she will either text me to come back into her room, or she will come into my room and cuddle me then.

Hello readers. This story will be on a little pause or more like the chapters will take a little longer now till there's two chapters left, I'm still working on the last chapter so yes, I hope you understand.

Have a great day or night<3

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now